Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The morning came, and I realized that I barely got any sleep. I was still up thinking about yesterday.

After Jordan asked me to be his girlfriend, we told Derek and Tina. Of course Tina was so excited, asked me to give her the details on what happened. I told her and she told me she was so happy.

When we told Derek, he looked like he couldn't care less. I didn't think more of it though, he always had that nonchalant personality. I mean, at least he didn't disapprove.

Afterwards, me and Jordan thought we should go to his house and hangout. The whole time we flirting, smiling at each other, or kissing. I was really happy because I never really had a boyfriend and him showing how much he cared, just made me more interested in him.

I decided not to tell my mom about us yet, I mean we just met each other really and I wouldn't want my mother thinking I was too fast. Jordan also agreed and he didn't tell his mom.

I wasn't scared to tell her, I just didn't think it was right timing. I'll tell her when I think the time is right.

Anyways, I hopped out of bed and into the shower. I needed something to get me awake from lack of sleep.

I put on skinny sweats and a crop top with a pair of Jordan's. Im not really a sneaker type, but I own a few. Their comfortable.

I went to the my brother, Stephen's room and remembered I had a question to ask him. He was playing video games as usual.

"Hey Stephen how come you and Derek don't hang out anymore?" I asked out of curiosity.

He looked at the ground. "Oh, we just grew apart. Plus I found another friend in the neighborhood. One my age."

He looked a bit sad while telling me.

"Anyways he's friends with Jordan." He said looking at his game.

I immediately smiled at the mention of his name but then remembered my brother was feeling sad.

"Are you sure your okay?" I didn't like seeing him sad. I mean he gets on my nerves, but at the end of the day he's my brother and I love him.

"Yup. Now leave." He playfully growled.

I just playfully rolled my eyes and closed his door. He is definitely something.

I went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast and was excited to see bacon and eggs waiting for me at the table.

"Mmmm is this for me?" I asked and kissed my mom cheek and playfully slapped my little brother, Trey, in the head.

"Hey!" He said while rubbing his head.

"Sorry" I said while getting a mouthful of bacon.

"Hi honey" my mom said while getting her car keys.

"Hey mom, where are you going?" I asked. Of course she's going somewhere.

"I have to take Stephen to a doctor's appointment and Trey wants to go. Im assuming you dont want to go?" She asked.

"Nope. Where's dad?" I asked seeing I haven't saw him in 2 days.

"He's at work. He'll be back in the evening." She said and I nodded.

"Stephen lets go!" She yelled to him.

"Okay Levine. Don't be too bored at home." She said.

"Im not, I might hang with Jordan." I said still eating my food. Its been forever since I ate like this.

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