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'~Jimin, my love,

I wish I could have woken up with you instead of dragging myself to work.

I wish I could have made you a proper breakfast so you would have a full tummy to begin your day.

I know later that you will get on my case so, yes, I kissed you goodbye before leaving. ♡

I wrote this note to tell you not only that I love you to the moon and back, but I want you to meet me at the restaurant we went to on our first date at 6:00 o'clock.

You already know to dress in anything you want as I think you look wonderful in everything.

Have a great day and don't eat all the strawberries, I don't want your tummy to hurt!

~Yoongi ♡


Jimin yawned, his hair sticking up like an anime character. He smiled softly as the effects of sleep  drove him.

He picked up his phone and snapped a quick picture of him sleepily blowing a kiss before sending it to Yoongi with the caption 'I got your note ♡ have a good day!'. He smiled lazily as he watched the once gray check mark turn blue, indicating that Yoongi had opened and read his message.

Jimin stretched his arms above his head before squealing out an over exaggerated yawn followed by a breathy sigh. He ruffles his messy pink hair before swinging the covers and sliding out.

With the note in hand, he trudged out down the hallway until he came to the kitchen. He took out a small cat magnet so he could stick the note to the refrigerator so he wouldn't forget about his night with Yoongi.

Out of habit and because he's alone, Jimin began to sing. He trudged around cleaning up various things after going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth. He purposely left his hair tossed because he thought it was cute.

After making himself french toast and strawberries, he flung onto the couch. He loves his lazy days.

A small ray of sunshine shone through the curtains and fell onto a pillow on the love seat next to Jimin. He immediately grabbed it, knowing it was the pillow Yoongi always layed on when he was in the living room. It smelled like him, making Jimin bury his face in the soft material.

He slowly let himself fall back into a light sleep, wanting to pass time until he was to meet with his lover.


Yoongi smiled in adoration as be stared at the photo Jimin had sent him.

He couldn't wait for tonight. He had everything planned and he hoped it would go according to plan.

A hard knock radiated through his studio, causing him to jump out of his chair and over to open the door.

"Ah! Thank you!" Yoongi smiled brightly as a delivery man handed him a small package. He quickly signed for it and have the man a heavy tip before wishing him farewell and throwing his butt back onto the desk chair.

Yoongi grabbed a small pocket knife from his desk drawer and carefully began to cut through the packaging tape. He lifted the wings of the box only to be met with a handful of packing peanuts.

He didn't think anything of it as he turned the box upside down, allowing all the contents to scatter on his desk.

"I love it." He whispered to himself as he grabbed the item that was placed in the bed of foam.  He wishes time would go faster.


Essentially, the last chapter I put 'the end' at the bottom because I don't want people hating me if this seems like a horrible ending so I wanted to 'end' it for those who don't want to keep reading, you understand?

It's complicated, but surprise!

The next time I put 'the end' it really will be the end. But except a few more short chapters.

I love you all!

I truly appreciate everyone who reads, comments and votes ♡

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