Just a Boy Caught Up in Dreams and Fantasies

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Adam stood by the door. Staring at a 

tall wet cowboy. The night was a 

disaster. And the pouring rain did 

nothing to help his case. His heart felt 

like it was being ripped to shreds. 

Beating slow, as his chest swelled. All 

he could think was why. Why did it 

have to become like this. So fast.

"I'm sorry I really wanted this to work-"

 "No it's ok. I get it. " He said as he 

stared into the blue eyes he had come 

to know and love. This was too much 

for Adam's heart to handle. But there 

he was. Approaching him. How could 

he. Try to talk to him. They say you 

should always go after the person you 

love. But this wasn't a fairy tale. This 

was life. Adam and Blake's messed up 

life. Nothing will repair his broken 

heart. Except Blake. But he's not ready. 

He'll never be. He knew this was gonna

change everything. They would never

be the same again. Their friendship

was damaged. It hurt Adam to think

of never talking to Blake again. Never

joking and hanging around with the 

guy he loved. Blake knew it too.

He saw it in those beautiful eyes.

And with that he slowly 

closed the door, not waiting for Blake 

to leave. When the door closed he 

rested his back against it as he slid 

down till his knees were tucked in his 

chest. He thought of how this all 

happened. Thought back to what 

started this sad and depressing 

moment. How it played out today....

Hi guys so sorry this chapter is short I wanted ro write out a interest grabber first. Hope you enjoyed this is will be posting 1 or 2 chapters wvertday. Comment suggestions on the next chapters and I will listen. You can also comment a shevine story you'd like to read and I can write it for you. Luv Ya bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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