Girl Meets Popular

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Maya, Dad, and I were dropping Riley off at the party. "Well, looky here teacher daddy nothing hanging over my head except this here halo of popularity. And yay for you, my best friends for watching me with a smile." Riley said. "Yeah we're smiling, we're watching." Maya said. Pretty boy hipster walked past us and into the apartment.

"Alright, alright half hour you can stay. I'm waiting right here." Dad told her. Riley rings the doorbell. Dad turns to Maya and I. "I change my mind I want you two in there, protect your friend." He said. "We can't do that, Dad. Wasn't invited." I said. "Why is that exactly?" Dad asked. "'Bout to find out, sir." Maya told him. "Smile." Maya said turning him towards the door. "Watch." I said.

The door to the apartment opened to reveal Farkle. "Greetings fellow party goer." Farkle greeted. "Farkle?" Riley asked. She turned to Dad, Maya, and I. "Starting to become clear Dad?" I asked. "Oh yeah I'm smiling real big." Cory said. "Announcing the arrival of party guest number six, female number one." Farkle said. We walked into the apartment. "Wow what a suprise." I said to Maya who giggled.

"I'm a female, Farkle." This girl told him and posed weirdly. "You getting this yet?" Maya asked. "But pretty boy, pretty boy's still here." Riley said motioning towards the boy. "Wait for it." I said. Prettyboy Hipster talks off his jacket and glasses and reveals two small guys. "That's the greatest things I've ever seen in my life." Dad said laughing. "It's a geek party." Riley exclaimed. "We know honey." Maya said.

"Everybody welcome Riley." Farkle said. They started dancing and making this weird noise. "Honey stay an hour, stay a week, stay forever just enjoy." Dad said to Riley. "Hey you know what would make this just perfect for me?" he asked Maya and I.

"Have you noticed the lightsabers hanging from the ceiling precariously over your head?" one of the boys asked. Riley looks up and one of the lightsaber toys descends and points at her. "Damocles." Riley hissed. "There it is." Cory exclaimed. "Yeah we know." I said as we Laughed at Riley.


Maya and I stormed into Dad's classroom. "Okay, Farkle. where is she?" I questioned. "Whatever have I done to deserve this display of affection?" Farkle asked. "This look like affection to you?" Maya asked. "I takes it however I gets it.Right there, nurses." Farkle said taping his jaw.

"She wasn't there to wake me up this morning." I said. "And she wasn't there when I tried to pick her and Kayden up this morning. And we couldn't find her in the halls." Maya said. "What'd you do with our girl?" I asked. "Maya, Kayden release the Farkle."Riley said. We turn around and Riley who is dressed like a harajuku girl.

"Farkle didn't do anything except open my eyes to what the world really thinks I am." Riley explained. "A Harajuku girl?" Maya questioned. "Yes, because I figured if what I am is nerdy geeky. I'm going to set the nerdy geeky world on fire." Riley told us. "You take it." Maya told me. "I got nothing. Dad?" I said. "Nope beyond me. All yours." Dad told us.

"Why should I struggle to be popular when I can be these people's empress fairy queen?" Riley asked. Riley did a weird noise and the guys from party repeated. Riley nods and walks to her desk and Maya and I move and Riley pulled her chair out. "No please the one guy was two guys, And the sword fell. This is the way you're going to go?" Maya said. "You going to embrace this?"I asked her.

"Deal with it I've gone over to the dork side." Riley told us. "This isn't you." We told her. "This is her." Farkle said. "They love this me." Riley told us. "We're not changing you back." Maya said as we sat down. "Oh yes you are. My daughter's going through this week's crazy, you two get in there." Dad told us.

Seeing The World In Color (Girl Meets World Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now