Thanks For The Memories

Start from the beginning

That was only thanks to Maci. She saved me that night. Anyway Kevin had to get five stitches in his arm and my mom had to get four in her head. Two on her thigh and six on her leg.

Maci didn't get any stitches she just got a cast on her arm from punching him and a cold pack on her stomach.

We told them we were attacked by a gang so dad didn't get in trouble. When they asked why I wasn't hurt Maci told them she had her adrenalin pumping and that she took me to hide. Which was exactly what happened.

Then when Kevin turned 17 Maci turned 14 and I turned 12. That's when mom got bad and started doing drugs and drinking.

She started when her sister died of a heart attack. Now we're here I'm 16, Maci's 18, and Kevin's 20. (Maci and Kevin use fake ID's to get into clubs btw)

"Pancakes are done!" Maci called in. Kevin and I went into the kitchen and she put plates in front of us.

"Ohhhh double chocolate pancakes." Kevin said in a girly voice. I giggled. "Yup yup your favorite!" Maci smiled patting Kevin's head.

Kevin Maci and I ate and when we finished Maci took all of our plates and washed all the dishes. It's not even Maci's week to wash. It's mine...

"You do know it's my week to wash the dishes and clothes right?" I asked. "I wanted to do it today. I also did all of our laundry." Mac said.

"Wow. You're in a good mood." I said. Saying Maci hates washing clothes is an understatement. She doesn't mind doing the dishes but clothes is like a sin to her.

"Yeah, I kinda woke up happy not too sure why." Maci said giving us a fake worried expression and then laughing. "Yeah me too." Kevin smiled.

I was only in a good mood because my boyfriend sent me a cute good morning text. This is what he said:

Nash: Good morning my beautiful princess! Miss you already. Can we hang out? :)

I literally melted when I read it when I first woke up. Dying inside I wrote back:

Lexxi: Awe, well my prince, I miss you too, and yeah definitely. When and where? Xx

Nash: I was thinking StarBucks?

Lexxi: That works for me :)

Nash: Great, bring your penny board and how about 3?

Lexxi: Perfect, see u then x

Nash: See u then :) xx

It was 1:00 already so I chose to get ready. "Cam texted me and me and him are gonna meet at the park Kay?" I asked. "That's cool with me." Maci said looking at Kevin. "Go ahead." Kevin smiled.

I took a shower and got dressed in a black tank top that had a cat's nose with whiskers and under it it said MEOW!

I put on blue faded jeans and my white converse. I took my penny board out of the closet and set it on my floor. I unplugged my phone from the charger and looked at the time.


I locked my phone and shoved it in my pocket taking my penny board and going down stairs. "Is your phone fully charged?" Maci asked. "98%." I said. "Okay have fun." Maci smiled.

"Bye, love you guys." I smiled leaving. I penny boarded to StarBucks and when I got there I saw Nash sitting outside of the StarBucks we met at sitting on his penny board and he was on his phone looking at stuff.

I walked up to him penny board in hand and smiled. I tapped on his shoulder and he looked up smiling at me.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled. "Hey handsome." I giggled. Nash and I kissed and went into StarBucks. I got a chocolate frap and Nash got the same thing.

We walked to the park hand in hand holding out drinks and kicking our penny boards. The park was just across the street from StarBucks.

When we got there we let go of each other's hands and took our penny boards. We sat on the bench and Nash put his arm around me. We drank our coffee and talked about pointless things that were silly.

"Lexxi?" Nash asked breaking the silence. "Yes?" I asked. "I love you." Nash smiled and kissed my nose. "I love you more." I giggled. "Not possible my love." Nash smiled sweetly.

I giggled and he kissed my nose again. We're definitely a lovey couple. When we finished our coffee's we penny boarded around laughing and holding hands while penny boarding.

I was having lots of fun. Nash is the best guy I've ever gone out with. I've gone out with two other guys before.

One was named Derek and at first he was really nice and sweet and we didn't like PDA. So we were only lovey alone together. But he cheated on me with this girl named Madison.

The other one's name was Nick and he asked me out for a bet with his stupid friends. The bet was to date me for a week and a half without letting the secret out and he did. Then he told me it was just a bet and I'm ugly.

But Nash is different. I know this isn't a bet. I know he's not gonna cheat. Nash isn't that kind of person he doesn't use people. Especially girls.

All of Nash's relationship's normally end because they end it or it wasn't working out on both ends. Either those or Nash finds out they were using him or they were un loyal.

Nash and I were doing penny board tricks when I got a call from Maci.

(M: Maci L:Lexxi)

L: hello?

M: hey, when are you coming home Lexx?

L: don't know.

M: well I'm making dinner now so what are you doing?

L: I think I'll eat dinner with N- Cam.


L: bye.

I saved myself there. I almost said Nash. Nash smiled. "Where do you want to go for dinner?" Nash asked smiling. "McDonalds!" I laughed. "Okay, let's go." Nash smiled getting on his penny board and taking my hand.

I got on my penny board and we rode to McDonalds on our penny boards while holding each other's hands. I looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled. I love him so much.

When we got there we walked in with our penny boards. We ordered chicken nuggets and fries and a large soda and we ate and drank the same soda.

Nash and I penny boarded to my house. "I had lots of fun tonight." Nash smiled. "Me too." I smiled back. "I love you, I'll text you." Nash smiled leaning his forehead against mine. "I love you too." I smiled then he kissed me and smiled. "Bye." Nash smiled stealing another kiss.

"Bye." I giggled watching him penny board away. I walked into the house and saw Maci Kevin and Corley sitting on the couch. "Corley?" I asked.

Corley is Maci's best friend from Arizona. Yes, we lived in Arizona. We recently just moved here to South Carolina.

"Hi Little Lexxi!" Corley smiled running up to me and hugging me. Little Lexxi is the nickname she gave me years ago. Her and Maci use it and there the only ones allowed to.

"How long are you staying for?" I asked. "Forever." Corley smiled. "She moved here with Jennifer." Maci said. Jennifer is Corley and Maci's other friend.

"Oh cool." I smiled. Jennifer is 17 a year older than me a year younger than Corley and Maci. Corley is older than Maci by three months. Corley is Maci's very best friend ever! And I do like

Corley and am excited to hang out with her all the time again.

This should be fun...


Long chapter, you're welcome!

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