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Pine remained perched on a small shelf of rock. She had light silver scales that were edged with rosy-pink. Her feathered wings were tipped in pale pink and had the signature starry scales. below the shelf were several other fellow MoonWings, on a mission to collect rocks. The rocks they had been sent to search for weren't any ordinary rocks but were from a new planet the seers had discovered. She picked up a small, dark purple rock that seemed to have little stars embedded in it like their feathers.

"We need one more rock before we can go", their leader, a tall crimson MoonWing said. His name was Eclipse and he was Pine's mate. The two had an egg and a very impatient egg sitter waiting for them when they returned home. Most crimson MoonWings were forbidden to have mates if they were allowed to live. But Eclipse had a fairly harmless power and didn't even have true control over it, the ability to emit any type of light. At first, the dragon in charge of the family wing refused to allow them to marry. But after several moons, they finally grew tired of their requests and allowed them to be together.

Pine leaped off the shelf and began to search for a glowing rock. She looked at the purple horizon, the alien sun beginning to peek over the dark mountains. After a few moments, she finally decided to use her gifts. The silver dragoness focused on looking ahead in time, to where she would find the rock, which had been named Novate. After glimpsing the future she ran over to where she would find the stone and Pine scaped it out of the ground. Eclipse saw what she was doing and flew over to assist her. Finally, the two found the massive chunk of rock and hulled it out of the ground. The other MoonWings trotted to them and helped them lift it into the sky. Even with the other's help, they couldn't get it half a tail length off the ground.

"How will we get it back", one of the dragons asked, a young dragoness with black scales speckled with silver.

"Starfall is thousands of light years away!", she added. Eclipse snorted before ordering his team to drop the rock and he another dragon landed on it, their back talons scrambling to get a hold. The two then produced sharp pickaxes and started to try and take small chunks of the strange stone. Pine pawed the ground nervously. The sun had climbed halfway over the horizon.

Please let us be early! she prayed. And as if answering them, Eclipse and the other MoonWing slide of the rock with two large chunks of Novate and they nodded to each other. As Pine turned to leave, a glimmer caught her eye. She looked at what had made it and saw something sticking out of the starry sand. It was a strange, translucent rock that felt like it was made of glass. It looked like every other rock on the planet, except it wasn't. Inside the rock were strange little particles that looked like stars. The tiny stars drifted throw the stone. A brightly colored cloud came into view, swallowing some of the stars.

Is this stone showing me part of space? she wondered. She continued to stare at the rok until someone tapped her shoulder. It was Eclipse.

"We better get going", he said with a calm smile. Pine nodded and spread the two MoonWings spread their feathered wings, joining the other dragons and become streaks of color.

"Any minute now", Pine said to Eclipse was they loomed over a silver egg, reflecting Eclipse's light off it like the surface of a pond.

"What will we name her?", Pine asked. Pine could see almost see microscopic speckles on the egg, signs that the dragonet inside would be female.

"Wait, I forgot we need to let the moon shine on it", she said. She picked up the egg and set it down gently outside to let the moon gaze upon it.  Blood red moonlight was reflected off the solver eggshell to Pine's horror. She looked up at the sky to see the moon, glowing red angrily in the cloudy sky as if even the stars were too timid to shine. The other two moons were in their new moon phase as if they blood moon scared them out of the sky.

"Did the astronomers say anything about this, the SEERS!", she asked Eclipse desperately. He looked up at the sky thoughtfully before speaking.

"They said to would be the first time in a thousand years when the almanacs and seers wouldn't be able to predict the blood moon", he informed. Pine pressed her talons to her face. She would have to give up her daughter if she had any dangerous powers. Eclipse sensed her anxiety and fear and laid one wing over his mate's back. His dark mane and pale golden horns shimmered in the moonlight.

"Look, do you remember that book about crimson MoonWings?", he asked. Pine calmed down enough to recall the memory. For some reason, if the parents of a dragonet hatched during a blood moon were a regular MoonWing and crimson MoonWing, the dragonet wouldn't be fully crimson. Just as she recalled the information, a small crack appeared on the egg. Pine and Eclipse's attention snapped back to their daughter as she fought her way into the world. The two murmured words of encouragement as they watched a small head poke out of the egg, followed by the rest of her. Pine gasped.

The little dragonette had her hind legs, fronts paws, and half of her tail covered in scarlet, clashing with her white scales with a few crescent moon shaped patch of red getting through. She had pale golden horns that slightly resembled antlers like her father and her pale silvery mane. The little dragonet yawned and slightly opened her eyes to reveal one eye being pale blue and the other being golden.

"See, she's not that bad!", Eclipse said in a mixture of awe and reassurance, but Pine wasn't worried about her dragonet's scales.

"What will we name her?", the dragonet's father asked. The dragonet turned to the blood moon before sitting down. She then began to make a series of chirps to the moon. Then an idea popped into Pine's head.

"Let's name her Wolf", she suggested. Eclipse stared at her for a few heartbeats with a confused expression. Wolves were sacred to the MoonWings (along with sheep), so there had to be a good reason to name a dragon after them.

"Are you sure, I don't think she looks like a Wolf", Eclipse replied with a skeptical look on his face.

"But she sings to the moon like them!", Pine said to her mate. Eclipse finally gave up and backed down.

"Hello Wolf, we're going to be the best parents you'll ever know", she promised, and her little daughter placed her talons on her mother's snout.

I didn't know where this was going.

By the Light of the Moon: WoF fanficWhere stories live. Discover now