Part six~

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Sorry for not updating yesterday! First I was away with my friend to shop blench and hair dye and on the evening I was with my family and some other families to visit dad's work friend and his family^^ and I was really happy because he bought me food I could eat, I am always forgotten because I'm vegetarian. Anyways, here's part six!^^

Part six~

A terrible light is my first sight when I open my eyes after the operation. I also have a terrible pain where my kidney was before. It's now inside Reita. But...REITA!

"Reita? Is he alright?" I ask if someone would hear me, I am alone in this room, or am I?

"Ruki...?" A familiar voice that I love to the end of the world says.

Next to me bed is Reita sitting, on the floor with his head on my bed, like he had fallen asleep there.

When I see him being well I can't hold my tears back.

"Oh Reita! You are alright!" I say and kiss him for the first time for three days.

"Yeah, I am alright, all because of you. Thank you my love!" He says and seats himself next to me on the bed.

"Yeah, I was so afraid Reita, promise to never do this to me again." I say and hug him.

Reita chuckles and kiss my forehead.

"I won't, then you won't have any kidneys left." He says jokingly.

I clap his cheek a little.

"In that case I will be mad if this happened again." I tell him and pretend to be mad.

"Oh man Ruki, you're just faking that irrationality, I know you." He says and tries to kiss me. But I push his face away.

"You are not allowed to kiss me now, I am angry with you."

Reita let's out a sigh.

"Darling, I know you're not, you're just faking."

He starts to kiss me on my neck and because I am thickly there, and he knows it, I start to laugh.

"See you're not angry!" He says.

A doctor comes into the room but stays up smiling when he sees us two this happy together again. We didn't even notice that he came so we kiss each other without concealing our relationship. Well, I didn't conceal it when I screamed and so on before either, but I was about to lose him. We have been afraid that people would be angry over our relationship because we are two boys, so we have kept it as a secret, accept for Kai, Uruha and Aoi. But know....

The doctor WAS happy, but know he isn't that happy any longer.

"Well, I came here to say that you two have been revitalised very well so you could go home, but now I saw you two making out, so I think I don't want to any longer, but well, go home!"

With that said, he exits the room.

It's totally quiet in the room for a long while.

"Well, we should maybe go home then." Reita finally says.

I nod in agreement~

Later that night before bedtime~

Reita is lying in the bed, reading a magazine about basses. I am standing on the bathroom in our bedroom, gazing Reita in the mirror over the basin while I brush my teeth.

I am so happy that he survived, I can't ever be happier than I am now.

I am done brushing my teeth and I crawl down in the bed next to Reita.

"Goodnight sweetheart." I say and kiss his arm.

He looks away from the magazine at me and kiss my forehead.

"Goodnight Ruki, sleep well." He says and starts to read again.

I close my eyes and do fast fall alseep...

Once again I can see blood, shattered glass, Reita seriously hurt, pain and blue sirens.

The words are echoing in my head.

"Reita! Don't leave me! No!"...

I wake up and feel it hard for me to breath. Reita has already woken up by my gasping for air.

"Ruki! Listen to me! Calm down!"

He leans in over me and put his hands over my shoulders so I will lay down and not moving a lot.

I continue to gasp for air.

"Ruki, please, you are only hurting yourself right now, you need to calm down and start breath, you can!" He says calm.

"Reita..." I say and gasp for air, "...don't go.."

"I won't go, I will not leave you, but you need to calm down Ruki!"

I really try to, but it's hard, and he notices it.

"If you don't calm down you're gonna pass out. Do you feel calmer if I hold you in my arms?" He asks and I nod.

He lay down on the bed again and embraces me. It takes me a while to calm down and get a steady breathing again, but Reita whisper calming things to me and strokes my back.

After calming down I start to cry.

"Ruki? What's wrong?" Reita asks.

"I saw you badly hurt again, in the car... It was so scary.." I whine like a little child.

"Ruki, it's okay, it was just a nightmare. But I am here, I am not leaving you, okay?" He says to calm me. I only nod, trusting his words.

"I love you Reita.." I say.

"I love you too Ruki, but fall back asleep now."

I enjoy to be in his arms, it makes me feel very comfortable, and it makes me fall back asleep..

To be continued...

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