Loss Of Heart And Humanity

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My eyes widened upon hearing the voice and I slowly turned to face the figure. "Who are you..." she looked at me silent for a minute. "You really dont remember..." she sounded both hurt but unsurprised. "I've been in an asylum for four years and only just regaining memories names but not faces."

She looked at me again unsurprised "Read the name on that gravestone again and tell me who's name it is, then may be that will jog your memory..."

I read the name again "Claire Washington..." I knew who it was but there was no way to process it. My mind only slowly healing. Meaning most human thought and emotion was being put into a shitty computer that needed almost years to process information.

"Remember now..." My anger began to well deep in my chest. "Your a demon my brother sent aren't you! Your a decoy to play with me while he gets away!" I saw the figure clearly now a girl who looked to be about 15, her hair was black with a blue fringe she wore a blue jumper and black short shorts and black stockings.

She looked exactly like Claire but it had to be a lie... She would've never survive what I did to her... "Derek listen to yourself!" She sounded like she was close to crying. "Your psychotic mind is poisoning your thinking! Just like when you tore the heart from my chest... Along with everything else..."

She unzipped the sweater to reveal a long scar down her chest, along with a hole the size of a fist in her chest where her heart would be. My face contorted into a massive fang toothed grin my black eyes widening.

"I'm flattered you did research on my first killing... But you will never be Claire..." My hands held instead my original bladed gloves, held two twin daggers each with a foot long blade at the top and a six inch blade out the pommel. The grip was leather perfectly fitting my hands like they were forged for the soul purpose of being used by me...

The girl had tears in her eyes. "Fine then... Maybe this will prove who I am..." With that I charged with speed that I never knew I had close the distance within almost a millisecond but as I went to slash she grabbed my wrist and threw me into my mothers gravestone.

Shards and chunks of stone exploded from the impact. As the dust cleared I saw I had a large shard imbedded in the tendon of my leg. I could feel my body try to heal but the shard was in the way. The rage that poured for was real and true. "You... Have the audacity! To destroy the resting place of my family!"

I rip out the shard some of the flesh still attached. The wound bled horribly but at least it could heal faster now. I got up slowly and shakily the pain shooting through my entire body. She was a few feet away.

"I didn't mean to Derek... Please just listen..." Slowly... as she spoke I calmed down, but as I did I felt something pulsate... I'm my pocket. I reach in pulling out... the heart I had taken from her.

My eyes tears slightly "no..." She looks at me and I could tell she knew everything I was feeling, just as she always did. "Do you believe me now..."

I nodded there was no more denying it further. I knew it was true and that there was no escape this time. My chest grew heavy so much that I had to hunch over. "Why do you appear to me now.. Are you an angel? A demon?"

She shook her head. "Neither I am just a lost soul... Thought one day you'd come back... So that I could tell you something that I did once before but yet you never heard." She grew closer, I fell on my hands and knees my injured leg unable to stand longer tho it was healing.

"I had heard you... I just couldn't stop..." Her expression grew agitated. "Did you try?! Honestly looking into that face I didn't see a hint of hesitation..!"

"Do you even know what happened to

Me?! It's called insanity! You really don't have much control after that!" I tried to stand to challenge her accusations but I crumpled again. "You really are a psychopathic fuck aren't you!?"

Slowly my eyes dimmed as she said those words. "Would a psychopathic fuck... do this..." I couldn't take it the hatred in her words. I shoved my hand deep inside my chest and into my rib age taking out a large still beating heart and my eyes widen. Slowly with most of

My remaining strength I presented it to her to which she responds with wide eyes. "W-why did you?!" I replied. "I'm a dead man anyways... And that is what you wanted isn't it... A heart for a


She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "An apology from a demon to be huh? Never thought it'd be you. " Slowly the heart entered her open wound and replaced the heart I had once taken from her. "This... Is where I take my leave..." My vision grew dark my mouth had blood pouring from it like a red waterfall and I fell to the ground taking my last breath in this life and... as a human...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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