The Breath of Death

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I awoke too the smell of rotting blood I had forgotten to clean my hoodie from last nights killing. The memory still fresh as I grinned slowly I bit a small cut in my tongue so I could remember the sweet taste of blood.

I threw the hoodie away so they may have some clue or evidence but more or less for my own amusement. I took a look in the drawer of the motel I was currently in, another black hoodie sitting there.

I took it slung it over my shoulder as I went to the bathroom to once again clean and bandage my arms. I checked out of the hotel being careful not to show my face to the cameras that surrounded the area.

Like I'd let them see who I was just they could bring me back to that hell hole. I started to head down the road no ride just the backpack and clothes I was wearing. My head throbbed it felt like my skull was about to pop. My serum needed work it was only a test run it needed updating and fast if I was gonna seize revenge.

My bloodlust was getting harder to keep down I didn't like suppressing my need to kill. My eyes no longer had colour only black spheres were there to replace them. I made it to the closest town by nightfall. My next target a man mid twenties Keren Jackson.

One of the creators of the serum and former doctor at that cursed lab I remember him because he made sure I'd never forget him. I looked into my shirt at the scar from the scalpel he used to cut my chest open.

He had no remorse no soul no heart, and I was gonna make sure he couldn't hurt anyone ever again. I soon found his humble abode on the other side of town.

This victim didn't need the serum I already knew his worst fear was me... I came through the front door as quiet as possible and slowly made my way up to his room. The bathroom door opens as I was halfway there he stepped out and saw me standing alone in the hall.

He screamed "Y-You should be dead!" I smiled showing him my filed teeth and replied "Miss me doctor Keren! I know I missed you!"

I jumped up and clung the the ceiling with my bladed gloves and kicked him back inside his bathroom. His head hit the porcelain bathtub as I stood on his chest.

He was unconscious but not for long, I splashed water on his face and when he woke I hid inside the tub curtain closed. I had to hold in my laughter as he dismissed it as a dream. He went to his room and I followed close behind. Every time he turned I would copy his movements so I could confuse him when I would let out long raspy breathes in his ear.

He made it into his bed and just before he turned around I his underneath the bed I waited till he was just about to fall asleep then I got out from under the bed and climbed up the walls and suspended myself above him. And as he glanced up and saw me peering down on him he scream, but it was all to late with a slash I sliced his throat leaving him to drown in his own blood...

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