The Demons Fire

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The dawn breaks as I slowly leave the mans house. My head filled with the images of his corpse forever put into a silent scream.

My teeth had become bloody for I myself drank my fill of the mans blood. My face smiling exposing my sharpened teeth and bloody mouth only one person saw me and ran the rest didn't care to look at me.

Didn't anyone care about a poor defenceless boy. I chuckled at my own notion I was just as defenceless as a full grown tiger.

I walked to the side of a local super market. I looked upon this building thinking back to my years of childhood shopping with my sadly deceased mother and older brother my father was a criminal for a murder he didn't commit, and my mother working at the local strip club just to make ends meat and my brother... he's already gone and moved out even tho he was younger then me by two years and still making top dollar on his business tho he refused to share any with our broken family.

My anger began to rise and my lust for blood was beginning to overpower my will... Soon my prayer of need was answered. I received a punch square in my jaw and I staggered to see my assailant and was underwhelmed to see some run of the mill thugs looking for some extra spending money from my pockets.

I smiled wide and revealed my black spheres for eyes and sharpened teeth. The one thug in the back eyes widened at the gruesome sight as I licked my own blood from my teeth. "Well boys can't we settle this peacefully or will things have to get bloody"

the leader smirked at me (the same face he will have forever engraved) he speaks to me slowly like I was a small child only just now learning to speak. "Well looks like we have a badass over here what are you gonna do wail for your mommy or daddy to save you" oh he's dead now. I grabbed his head as he laughed at his own horrible joke and snapped his neck.

His eyes began to dim and I pleasures myself at the sweet sight of him finally as Jeff the killer would put it going to sleep.

His friends eyed me in horror as I threw the fear darts in their necks and waited for the serum to take it's affects. The thug who had given me that terrified look earlier was the first to show his fear, which quite to my astonishment was spiders.

I chuckled slowly, imagining a hardened criminal turned into a pussy from a little spider but hey I was going to use this to my advantage. I turned to a massive lion sized spider and insnared him in a webbing and crept over his defenceless form. I bit hard into his neck that was only just exposed and began to drink his blood dry.

All you could hear was the muffled cries and screams of my poor defenceless victim. The other man who is guesses was around 20 had a green jacket and shaggy hair. Once I finished off his friend I left him alone so he could tell of this gruesome killing. Besides who would believe a young man turning into a spider and killing a person. As I turned back to my formal state I winked at the man. "We'll be in touch I promise" I grinned evilly and walked away from the scene.

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