Fight To Fall

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He threw back his head to heave back a laugh "Run away Derek just run far away from me. I fear for your safety more then mine".

I threw a punch aimed at his neck the syringes of serum, nearly and inch from the vein. With the speed that was so inhumanly impossible that he was almost a blur he dodged and hit me with a jab to the stomach sending me flying 6 feet in the air.

The alleyway we had entered was narrow and I hit a solid brick wall my spine and shoulders cracked on impact. I used the wall to gain momentum springing off it like the wall of a swimming pool. I put my hands together and put the blades at a point and started to spin in mid air hoping to drill straight through his chest.

But as soon as I was an inch away he ducked down do I sailed over his head and he uppercutted my stomach. "You've grown weak brother! Your time in the asylum made you flabby!"

He jumped higher into the air and slammed me back to the ground. Leaving a crater in the stone cold ground. "What now brother! Your week! Feeble! You can't win!"

That's were I snapped I grabbed his arm before he could hit me throwing him several feet from where I stood. "You are wrong Pierce because what you have become gives you one weakness!" He got up with blinding speed rushing for me. "Oh really brother?? What's that?" "Your fears are stronger!".

I trained a dart at his neck throwing it straight into the vein. Power surged within me slowly, growing stronger and stronger as if all of the worlds misery gave me all the strength a man couldn't even comprehend. My brother stopped cold looking at me in total horror. "

You are him... how could your serum turn into him!" Looking down I stared awestruck at the extra mouths on my arms chest even legs. "Your afraid of an old creepypasta and why Zalgo of all of them? He's barely intimidating!"

I had wasted time talking as Pierce took out the dart and kicked me straight in the chest. The serums affects had worn off too quickly for it to have been the normal run time. "You will not speak down to The Lord of hell!"

He battered me repeatedly not even allowing me a moment to breath. When he finally stopped I was almost unconscious. Half my ribs cracked and broken certainly some internal bleeding.

"Well finish me off already... or are you gonna go to the whole honour system which you no longer have..." He smiled with his reptilian grin once again. "Oh nothing would make me happier then tearing out your throat and using it as a spoon. But Zalgo has different plans for you"

"You realize he's a fucking fictional horror story right? Hell his stories were made back in 2008 almost a hundred damn years ago!" "Your surely have figured it out by now..." His face grew mournful. "Sorry I was too focused on me getting my ass handed to me!" He looked at me for a while and slowly starts to fade. "We'll meet soon..."

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