The Birth of Fear

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My world in black, my mind broke years ago but I can still think and problem solve. I can escape at any second but i choose to stay and lead a simple life here. My time in this asylum has been relatively quiet and well it seems like my insanitly is worsening by the day. The images that stay still within my mind shatter the realms of reason and logic and are so outlandish the normal human mind would deteriorate under the pressure. Since my mind broke I can look at it and still see the horror for what it is ,but it can't break what is already broken. I have seen what you would call hell within my own mind and that is what stays there since the day I was brought to this place. But the time I've been here is always silent no visits from family sometimes the occasional doctor but that's for them to make sure I haven't strangled myself.

I laugh at the thought of them thinking id kill myself. What's the point anyway I'm on deaths row there is no reason to run or end it myself. Today tho the tides turned for the worst. I was able to meet a new doctor who told me I would be leaving the asylum today and going to a new place where they would "treat" me and said id be used to save humanity, I knew that he meant experimentation on human subjects. My gut told me to get out while I had the chance but maybe there was nothing to fear...

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