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Samajeez was expecting something. It was evident in the way he was rushing through the house. He had ordered the servants to start packing everything.

"Where are we going?" I question.

"Somewhere I know we will be safe. Somewhere we can raise our child without the wrath of my father."

He was scared, of what, I didn't know. Was he scared his father would raise the child the way he had been raised? One thing was for sure, he wasn't getting a hold of my child. In 3 months this child would be fully developed and ready to be born. This terrified me to no end.

I wasn't ready to take care of something when I couldn't even take care of myself.

Samajeez continues to pack ignoring my questions completely. He grabs my hand pulling me toward the door. "Let's go" He says casting a glance back at the house.

A car was pulled to the side, the engine already started. Samajeez barely got to shut the door before we were flying down the driveway.

I glance out of the window, watching the scenery pass in a blur.

"I'm sorry about this, my dear" Samajeez says. I glance over at him confused when a needle punctures my neck. My eyes drop instantly, my body slumping to the side.


The house was completely dark as we go in. Titan leaps up the stairs gracefully, my eyes shifting, the darkness no longer blinding my senses.

He lets out a snarl as he realizes that no one longer resides in the house. I could smell her scent it was strong which meant we were just moments late. He knew we had been coming, whether he knew that his father was going to betray him I didn't know. But I bet he had expected as much.

I glance around at the furnished mansion, wondering what it would be like to live in such a lavish home.


In my blurry state I could barely make out where I was. My head pounded as the fluorescent lights shone blindingly ahead. It was silent. My ears, however, were ringing something fierce.

"Welcome back, my dear."

I look to where the voice was coming from and Samajeez was standing in the corner, a glass of amber liquid clutched in his hands. He was wearing something I never thought he would, blue jeans and a tank top. Dark sunglasses cover his eyes and for once I'm glad I don't have to see those silver eyes.

I groan as I sit up and I'm hit with the unmistakable pang of hunger. My teeth sharpen and I growl annoyed.

"Here" He says handing me a cup, without a second thought I down it.

"Thanks" I say handing the cup back over.

"Where are we?"

"Somewhere safe" he answers.

I glance out of the rather large window and am greeted by the sight of sand and a clear blue ocean. I'm amazed how beautiful it was.

I look back at Samajeez, who was just watching me. I take that back I would much rather see his eyes. As if somehow sensing my uncomfortable predicament he pushes the sunglasses up off his face.

"Do you want to step outside?"

"Oh so now I have free reign?" I question bitterness seeping into my words.

"You have always had a choice." He mutters sending a dark glance my way.

"Fine lets just say that. And yes I would like to go outside." I say standing.

He opens the door and I'm greeted by the smell of the ocean, the wind tussling my long black hair, the sun blinding. "God" I say closing my eyes and allowing the sun to kiss my pale skin.

"God you've always been so beautiful, even before I turned you" Samajeez mutters as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Thank you" I breathe out, hating the fact that I loved the way he touched me. His hands slide down my back, his hands resting firmly on my waist.

"I can't believe you bear my child" he mutters, casting a glance at my stomach.

"I know" I mutter, biting my lip nervously. I didn't know how it happened, we'll I did but how exactly. How could two immortal creatures be allowed to have such a thing. What would that make the child?

A vampire body could not have the ability to have a child. There have been stories, though, that have mentioned male vampire having children with human women. Dhampir, I believe they were referred as. But I was no human.

Samajeez seems to sense something was wrong. His cold fingers grip my chin, my mark sending a jolt of electricity through me. "You will stay with me forever, Keller, you and I shall raise this baby. You will be mine for all eternity" he whispers, his lips brushing my cheekbone. I knew I had to get out, I not only now had to worry about myself, but for the sake of this baby. I had to get out.

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