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"A wolf has been found dead in the Night World, Alpha" my beta, Grant says.

"Keller's mark?" I ask my voice spitting out her name with venom.

"Who else" He says shaking his head.

"What has Drake sent to us?" I ask putting the bloodsucker out of my head, the she devil already doing more damage then she knew.

"Keller has sent a human to give us a message. I'm afraid she has gotten rid of the little vermin." Grant says and I snarl.

"Well bribe another vampire. I know there has to be another vampire that hates Keller." I say who wouldn't hate that venomious women.

She was a force not to be reckoned with but she needs to be taught a lesson and I was just the person to show her.

Her dark hair was like midnight. Her eyes were empty souless orbs that only reflected darkness. Her pale skin was so white that it was hard not to see that she was a vampire. She was beautiful but so wasn't every other female vampire and they all weren't like her.

I go down to my dungeons past all the vampires in the cages, awaiting there deaths. Past all the rogue wolves to the person I was here to see.

He was Keller's mate, the famous Titan Lucifer, the one my great-great-great grandfather had caught but couldn't kill because he was an original. Keller thought he was dead, and it would stay that way until I deemed it fit that she would find out.

"How are you doing Titan?" I say knowing that he would be annoyed at this. His bright green eyes narrow at me and he throws his head back laughing, his dark hair glinting in the darkness.

"Fine and dandy, Kiran. Are you here because my dear love has once again bested you" he asks but I knew it wasn't a question, he was stating the undeniable.

"I would think before you start disrespecting me. As you know it depends on my mood if you get fed or not."

"Well seeing as I can't die it hardly bothers me if you do or not. I bet it irks you that you can't kill me." He says a vampire grin on his face.

"It may but I can't wait to see Keller's face after she realizes that her precious mate has been alive the whole time. It would break that cold heart in two and I will have the satisfaction of watching her break."

He snarls but then laughs "She'll tear you apart before you can do that and then we'll be once again united."

"Aww how touching you still believe that after all this time she hasn't moved on to another sucker who falls for her charm." I say laughing at his frown.

"Well I'd love to stay and chit chat but I have plans for little Keller" I say smirking before I turn around and start walking back to my office.

Grant was already waiting for me as I walk toward my desk and I say "What's wrong?"

"People say that Keller is killing more wolves than we have vampires" Grant says his face confused.

"I thought we were killing more especially since Drake was giving us the places where she was hiding spies."

"Well obviously she's going on a killing spree and killing through the wolves faster than before."

"Well I guess were going to have to do more then that. Also I want an audience with Keller. It's time I meet that she devil face to face" I say more determined to kill her than ever.

"Yes, Alpha" Grant says and leaves me to my uncontrollable anger. I only killed vampires if they cross onto pack lands. What does she do go from town to town and slaughter every single wolf in them?

I growl, well if she wanted to play this game I was all in. I press the loud speaker and my voice fills through the pack land.

"I want every pack member in the war room, immediately." I say through the speaker. If she wanted a war than I'd give her one.

I walk to the war room, my anger evident in each step. The War Room was a mass of chaos as they argued about what this was about.

"Shut the fuck up" I say my voice overtaking theres. Silence fills the room, as silent as the dead.

"The fucking bloodsucker is killing us in masses. I think it's time we do the same. So from now on any person quartering or helping a vampire will be shot on sight. As well as every warrior wolf who will stand on the border, I want no vampires getting past. If she wants a war I'll give her one." I growl slamming my fist down on the podium.

"But sir, they could kill us all" someone calls out and I snarl.

"Well if they do then take them down with you" I yell harshly, I was beyond caring.

I leave them and Grant stops me his voice low "Alpha are you sure this is going to work?" He asks almost nervous at my answer.

"I don't want to be questioned. I am alpha here and my word goes. Go add yourself to the warriors and help them. I no longer need your services at this moment." I say my voice taking him by surprise, my anger undeniable.

"This vampire is making you crazy, Kiran. Think about what your doing, your condemning us to death if you do this." Grant pleads his voice low.

"Than so be it I will gladly die taking down this vampire and so should everyone in this pack." I seethe, how dare he question me.

"Well then I'm sorry to do this but I challenge you as alpha" he says his eyes shimmering.

"Grant you know one of us will have to die" I say, he was my best friend how could he do this?

"I am fully aware that one of us has to die and I'm willing to die for this." He says and then he lunges at me.

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