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"What if I take a bite of her I mean that's what she's here for isn't it, for you to feed off whenever" I say turning my attention to the small redhead.

This however had gotten a rise from Samajeez. "No" he says grabbing my wrist, hard, and slamming me into the chair.

Evangeline offers me a brilliant smug smile and I snarl at her in return.

"You can't take it can you Keller? That I actually love her more then I did you. Well it's true, she satisfies me more then you ever did." Samajeez says gathering the redhead into his arms.

I ignore him and take the spoon into my hand. I can hear them kissing but I don't really look, my eyes cast down on my bowl. I spoon the blood into my mouth, ignoring the sounds that were coming from beside me.

"You know what's funny Samajeez. I would still be yours if you hadn't thrown me out. I wouldn't hate you, hell we could of even had kids together. But no your dumb ass had to turn me, and then you got bored. So go ahead make out with your wife, it won't be long until you get sick of her. I found someone so much better then you and you couldn't stand it. Now that's the truth." I slamming my fist down on the table so hard that the wood snapped easily under the sudden pressure.

I stand up and leave the room, ignoring the heated gaze of Samajeez and the startled one of Evangeline.


So now I finally knew who Samajeez was.

So that was why Keller was the way she was. Titan had also told me why she had a vendetta against wolves.

I didn't know that her family was murdered by one. She had been there when her mom was savagely ripped open by a rogue.

I released Titan and we planned to help Keller escape from that sick bastard. Titan loved Keller more then I can say I had ever loved someone. And I hope that when I meet my mate that I'd love her like he loves Keller.

It would no doubt take weeks, maybe months to find out where exactly she was. Knowing Samajeez he wouldn't exactly hide out in the open.

Titan turns to look at me, his keen green eyes glittering with malice.

"When we get through with Samajeez our alliance is over and you can expect me to come after you." He says his voice dangerously low and I believe him.

"I can accept that" I say, it was blatantly obvious that he would do this. I mean my family and I had him locked up for centuries. It was a surprise that he didn't strike me down now.

My gaze filters around the dungeon and I feel somewhat sorry for all the souls that were trapped here. A lot of them still put up a fight and tried to claw me as I walked past. Most of them were in here for good reason; rape, murder, kidnapping. Some of those people obviously needed worse punishments but it wasn't up to me. The Elder laws prohibited me from dishing out the punishments they really deserved.

Titan, however, didn't deserve to be locked up down here, he had done no wrong. But it was to late now to fix my wrongdoings, and no way in hell was I going to get on my hands and knees to beg for forgiveness.

"I don't know where to start" I say truthfully to Titan.

"I know someone who knew Samajeez very well." Titan answers as he gets in my car. I shrug and sit in the passenger seat beside him. I'm pleasantly surprised when Titan speeds down the road at an ungodly speed.

I groan annoyed as we pull up to a bar. I hoped that Titan didn't want to party while Keller was captured. I mean I get that he was away for a long time but did he really have to party now of all times.

He roles his eyes at my look before answering. "The persons in there."

I nod and follow him inside. It reeked of sweat and the scent of cheap perfume.

Titan doesn't hesitate shoving his way through the crowd.

"Zarafina" he calls to a woman with long glossy brown hair. She turns dark grey eyes on him and curses.

"Titan long time no see." She says and he smiles bitterly at her.

"I'm here about your brother" he states and her gaze darkens.

"I haven't talked to Samajeez in 3 years, what do you want to ask about?" She inquires taking a seat, crossing her legs elegantly.

"He's taken Keller and as you well know about their past and mine I'm not at all happy about this." He says leaning forward in his seat. I take a seat beside him and her grey eyes take me in.

"You're pretty cute for a werewolf" she says completely ignoring Titan. She gets up and runs a tongue over her sharp fangs causing my canines to elongate. My wolf stirs and immediately her smell hits me.

"Mate" I say my hands capturing her waist.

She takes a seat in my lap, and I gladly allow her to bury her nose into my neck.

"I'm glad for you two and all but Keller is still trapped by your psychotic brother" Titan says annoyance lacing his words.

"He has places all over the world, what do you want me to do?" She questions her voice angry.

"I want you to help us find her" he hisses out and I growl in warning.

"Fine, fine" she says waving her slender hand distractedly. Her eyes flicker to my lips and I smile smugly at her.

"Now would be helpful" Titan says and I knew his patience was running thin. No wonder Keller and him were a thing they were so alike.

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