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I lurch awake hating how even in my most protected thoughts he was still in them.

"Is something the matter?" Samajeez says smugly, his cold fingertips touching my waist. He knew what he was doing, whatever he was doing he was doing it on purpose. And I didn't like it, not at all.

"No" I say setting my shoulders, my lips set in a grim line. The memories he was showing me were a last attempt to make me love him once more. But what he did to me wasn't going to be forgotten or forgiven so easily.

"Are you hungry?" He asks his own fangs sharpening at the thought of fresh blood, mine doing the same. My throat burns at the thought of the only thing that could soothe it; blood.

I find myself nodding and with a satisfied look Samajeez gets up.

A dress is thrown at me as he pulls open his dresser, my eyes very aware of his lack of clothing. I turn away pulling the sheets with me to the bathroom.  My gaze locks with my own in the mirror and the person that looked back at me was weak.

The woman had the same long dark hair as I did, her features as well we're similar. But the eyes something in them had changed. They were so dark and reflected so much sadness, she looked as if she had given up.

I turn away from the mirror and pull on the dress. It was long, dark, and hugged my body like a second skin.

I pull my hair around my shoulders, trying to hide the fact that my neck bore his mark. 2 fang marks were evident and it would never go away, forever claiming me as his.

"Let's go, my dear, time halts for no one" he calls before he's laughing at his own attempt at a joke.

I come out of the bathroom ignoring his stare. I remember my way around this place like the back of my hand but it didn't look like Samajeez was going to leave me by myself anytime soon.

The dining room was just as grim as I remember it, the chandelier was still the same golden color, the table a rich brown mahogany. He pulls open the seat for me and I sit down, glaring openly at him.

He takes a seat at the other end, his luminescent eyes starring me down, his long fingers grasping his chin in thought.

The waiters bustle out offering bowls of crimson red. I watch with interest as a place is set on the right of him, but it was human food. A red headed female walks through the doors her head held high. She wore a bright green dress that brought out her eyes, and made her pale skin glow. She was human, that much I could tell.

Samajeez was watching me for a reaction but I didn't give him one. He kisses her wrist softly as she takes a seat.

"Evangeline this is Keller, Keller this is -" he starts to say.

"Evangeline yes I got it" I say flicking my wrist in annoyance. She was what I use to be, a walking snack. Someone he could feed off any time he pleased.

But what caught my attention was the diamond ring that sat on her finger and this got a reaction out of me.

Samajeez smiles and says "I'm sure you noticed but she's my wife" in which causes me to flinch.

"Congratulations for getting the balls to marry a human" I say laughing dryly but it was anything but funny. Jealousy consumes me but I don't let it show. He treated her better then I ever was.

Evangeline chokes on her food and she puts a startled hand to her chest.

"Don't mind her, my dear, she has quite the temper" he says smiling at his wife.

"I see that" she says and her voice is so soft that if I wasn't a vampire I doubt I would have heard.

"I've heard so much about you" she says to me and something like jealously flashes through her eyes.

I throw my head back laughing and I knew how crazy I looked. I stand up and take a seat directly beside her sitting on the table. I push the food off the table enjoying the fear it brought to her eyes.

"Oh how it must bother you that I was his first love. His first changeling. His first everything" I say my voice smooth, my fingertips grazing her neck. My eyes meet hers and she flinches glancing away.

"Stop teasing her" Samajeez says pulling me into his lap. But I could see in his eyes that he was enjoying this because I knew just how much he was holding back from her. He couldn't be his normal self with her, without the fear of breaking her. But I was exactly the same, I could take the same amount of pain. He could be himself.

I knew this bothered her and she probably begged him for days to change her, but he didn't want to loose his pet.

"Get out of my head" he says gripping my chin roughly.

"Oh but I'm sure you've seen all of mine. How much I loved Titan, how you can't compete with him." I say running my hands through his hair, hoping to get a rise from him. He tosses me off his lap in annoyance and I laugh.

"Take a seat Keller" he says running his hands through his hair.

"But I'm not hungry anymore." I say sashaying around the table, feeling both their eyes on me.

"Now Keller" he snaps.

"Getting rough are we?" I say starring down at the hand that grabbed my wrist harshly.

He shoves me into the seat beside him and motions for the waiter to bring down the food. My eyes follow the waiter who nervously places the food in front of me. He was young and devishly handsome.

"I think I'd rather have it from the source" I say taking his wrist on my hand.

"You wouldn't mind would you?" I question looking into his eyes.

"Of course not, ma'am" he says his eyes never leaving mine.

"Keller" Samajeez warns.

"Oh you're no fun anymore" I say tossing his wrist away from me.

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