Chapter 3

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In Daisy's opinion, Hibari Styled Family Vacations were lethal.

They were something that only the most suicidal or audacious people should accompany the Family on.

She was neither nor did she wish to be, so why was she here?

She wakes with a headache from hell, pain in her stiff back and a curse on her lips- To be honest, Daisy feels like Kyoya just attempted to Kamikorosu her with a truck and practically succeeded- which has the green haired child attempting to roll over and bury herself into her covers- She doesn't want to experience the rest of her day if this is the first thing she wakes to; no doubt it would just be more pains and annoyances- only to face plant on the icy floor below...

Wait a moment, Daisy pried an eye open but since it was still so dark she couldn't see anything, something wasn't right here.

Didn't she had warm wooden floors with a comfortable shaggy rug by her bedside?

Frowning softly, Daisy allowed her fingers to loiter on the ground beneath- allowing her fingers to grasp what her eyes could not see- only for her brow to furrow in confusion. These floors weren't wood if anything they felt like one of those granitic tile floors and...

Was that a drain? Why was there a drain in the middle of the floor?

Shaking her head, Daisy tries to push herself to her feet but finds it difficult as she limbs feel as though they're made of jelly- filled with hundreds of knives that jab themselves into her nerves every time she tries to move them in a certain way- and just refuse to comply with her mental demands so she reaches around blindly for something stable to support herself with.

One way or another, she was getting off his freezing floor that had only God knows what walking across it.

Thankfully, there's a metal slab nearby- most likely the one she had been sleeping on- she doesn't have to crawl far to find a steady purchase before pulling herself to her feet- She tempted to collapse back onto the floor as just standing makes her feel as though she walking on nails- before another issue makes itself known:

Where were Bubu and her clothes?

Though no one was around, Daisy could feel her face burn with mortification and embarrassment as her hands desperately searched for the sheet she had felt covering her earlier before promptly wrapping it tightly around herself.

Now she just needed a plan. Closing her eyes, Daisy took a deep breath as to calm her nerves while overthinking the possibility-

Possibility One: She was kidnapped by Perverts.

Support to Possibility: She woke in an unknown place when the last thing she remembered was walking with the Hibaris. Her clothes and Bubu are missing.

-before creating a suitable plain which in this case would be: Find her clothes and Bubu, escape, inform Kyoya so he can Kamikorosu whoever was behind this farce. Then make popcorn and enjoy the show while mentally laughing at their misery.

Short, adaptable and not too overly complicated- she could just leave in this sheet as Daisy was certain Bubu would appear later as That Ring was inside him- just the way she liked her plans. As though to mock her, the lights chose that moment to flicker to life - blinding her with the sudden shift from the darkness- as a voice reached her ears, "Woa."

Oh great, her kidnappers were ba-...Wait a moment, she knows that voice.


She speaks hesitantly while rapidly blinking her eyes in an attempt to clear away the white stars blinding her only to wish she hadn't as she found herself standing in the middle of what appeared to be some type of morgue with a grinning Kyoka, Mama and Papa Hibari, the damnable Storm Arcobaleno, and a pale stuttering mortician across the room.

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