Wishing to be like a girl

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     Wishing to be like girl. This might not be  from within me, but from what i have seen.

     Wishing to be a girl!! First of all, we all are different and have different wishes and differet goals to attain but we have divided our work our goals our opportunities based on our gender, where as we are free to do anything we want to. Wishing to be like the other gender comes when opportunities are not equally divided.
     Why is it that in our so called morden families where the boy and girl are equally educated but while choosing their career  if the girl wants become a doctor or a police or an engineer is encouraged with the  appreciation  because that is right, she's doing what she loves to and to which she is dedicated, and in future  she will apply her knowledge in that field without any regrets.

     But if the same thing following your heart is done by a male to go in Arts or to become a chef a designer or a dancer or a singer or an artist he is discouraged and is adviced to choose wisely, afterall he's the male gender and is not supposed to do such things.

      Why are you cooking you're not a girl, why are you playing with a doll play with cars, why are you dancing like a girl, what are these clothes! are you a girl put some other manly clothes. And lastly why are you crying are you a girl, be a man .  For God's sake even they have emotions!! and are free to express them. Be tough always play a supportive role because the vice versa of it what is that we dont accept that.

     Oh my god dont sing like a girl dont behave like a girl dont wear colours that are girlish dont do any thing that is girlish!!

  And to the girl, dont do anything that looks manly dont laugh that loud ,talk sofly, dont be donminant that's not your part to play dont walk like a man. Dont .... just dont, right!!.

Why isn't it okay to follow your heart, instead of the other people who are the barriers towards our goals.
   We are so much depended on the others that we do exactly what they ask us to do. Whether you want to do it ir not, whether you believe in it or not, whether it is right or wrong, because of the fear!!! Fear of your image, fear of what will others think if  I implement what my heart wants.

  Well people will say what they want to say, afterall they are free to express. But dont you know you have the same rights, as they have, you can follow your heart too. I know its easy to say, but hard to implement but someone somewhere at sometimme have to take the initiative right! You never know what this tiny initiative of yours might bring you!!

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