Misery Business

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A/N: Next chapter! Austin makes an appearance in the next chapter, I believe.

It's funny how the sun seems to shine brighter as I get farther and father away from the demented environment. It's as if someone seems to agree that I do indeed live with devious demons. A reminder that I won't be staying in the clouded region for long - I'd escape.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened; I slowly exhale. 'Just a while longer,' I think to myself, 'hold on for a bit more.'


I park at a spot away from all of the others. It was a bit of reassurance I would have, knowing that there wasn't a possibility of anyone messing with this already jacked up piece of crap truck. If the truck was safe, then I was safe. And I wanted to be safe.

Looking at the clock on the dashboard, it reads that it's ten past seven. School didn't begin till eight but I preferred to be out of the unsafe dwelling as soon as possible. With nothing better to do, I grab the battered book from my brown bag and begin to read. It was one of the very few books that I had in which I would constantly re-read and never get tired of it.

Soon, it seems, I have to tear myself away from the excellent read and come back to the misery of reality. Quickly, I have to stuff the book back within my brown backpack as the clock ticks it's way closer to eight. I push the heavy door open, jump out, and slip on the straps of the brown bag. By now the parking lot is full of cars but has little to no students. I walk in a semi fast pace to my first class of the day. Maybe you're familiar with the class in which all we do is learn about the past? It certainty isn't my thing. I like to leave the past were it belongs and focus on the hopeful future.

I make it to class just as the bell rings, causing the whole class to look up at the sound of the door opening. My teacher, Mr. Reese, looks up from his desk with a frown. I roll my eyes in annoyance. At least I actually made it to class on time.

"Ms. Myers," he says before I even have a chance to move to my desk, "Though I appreciate you arriving on time to class for once-" See? What did I say! "Work on being present a bit earlier than when the bell happen to rings."

Preventing myself from another roll of the eyes, I give Mr. Reese a sarcastic smile.

"Sure thing, Mr. R, but it might take some time to adjust having to see your face earlier than usual." There are a few snickers within the class, which Mr. Reese sends a glare towards. I don't blame him, the snickers are so inappropriate. I mean, really, it was just a small snide comment. Nothing to make a big deal of. Either way, I manage a small smile.

Mr. Reese shakes his head before turning his attention back towards me.

"Just take your seat, Ms. Myers." he says before standing up to write something on the white board.

I walk in between the desks I slip into the seat behind the guy wearing a hat. Mr. Reese turns back to address said guy, tapping his own head.

"Mr. Dorsey, no hats allowed in class," he says sternly and turns back to the white board.The guy with a blue hat scoffs, shakes his head, then places his hat on top of the desk. I enjoy the thought that I am not the only that dislikes Mr. Reese.

The man in the front that likes to call himself our teacher, turns back around with a sketchy grin across his usually grumpy face. He moves away from his position in front of the board to allow us to see what he's written. Unlike most teachers, Mr. Reese tends to write in a semi small manner, which tends be a challenge most of the times.

Written in red ink, the board reads - POP QUIZ! Everyone groans in protest at having to take a test so early in the morning. This guy was out to ruin us all.


After the horrific time I had wasted in history class, my next class was one that I at least liked and somehow was managing to pass with a high B. I was surprisingly really good at math. The lectures were well enough taught I knew exactly what to do when the teacher passed out the worksheets.

While I was halfway done with one of the worksheets, the sound of the door opening caused me to loose focus and look up from my desk. An office aide that would occasionally walk into our classroom handed Mrs. Thomas a white note and quickly walked back out of the room, probably not wanting to have everyone's eyes on him.

Mrs. Thomas looked down at the small note before looking back up at her class. She extends the note and said in a clear tone, "Rose Myers."

I ground my teeth together in annoyance. I didn't do anything!...maybe that was the problem. I didn't exactly try to maintain an actual good grade like I've done for the past years. Anyways, I throw my stuff into my backpack, planning on taking it with me, and grab the note from Mrs. Thomas. As I exit it the class, her voice echoes in my ears as I hear her call out for someone named Alex... I shake off the distraction and look down at the note.

The notes has a series of names and what their profession here is at school. An 'x' is marked down next to the name a student is suppose to be seeing. The 'x' on my note is marked next to a Mr. Valdes - School Counselor.

Great. Looks like it is about my grades.

I crumble up the note as I trudge my way to the office. Just shoot me already.


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