The A Team

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A/N: Next chapter! Chapter titles will be named after either a song I've just listened to while posting a chapter, or inspired the chapter.

My bedroom is cold. Freezing. The windows are cracked, letting in the chilled wind of Fall creep in. The raggedy, teared curtains does nothing to prevent the anything that is the dancing oxygen. The whole house seems to be freezing as well. This corrupted shelter may be filthy, but the temperature was always kept at a steady station, with or without the broken glass. Somehow. Which would ultimately mean that we didn't have heat; somebody forgot to pay the electricity bill. Again.

And just like every other time I wake up the shelter freezing like this, I immediately search for a pair of clean socks in my dingy bedroom. The first two socks I grab don't match, a red and a faded yellow, but who would be looking at them?

Looking past the curtains, I watch as the sun's presence begins to rise. It is at that moment that I realize that I don't have an idea what time it is. Taking a look at the small clock on top of the chipping nightstand, it reads 5:47 A.M. Just thirteen minutes earlier than when I usually get up.

I would have to be downstairs soon. I couldn't have been the only one that was woken by the cold environment. I quickly began to do the 'normal' routine a girl my age would do- get dress, brush my hair, brush my teeth.

I sit on the edge of my bed as I slip on a pair of black combat boots. I then began to smooth out my dark pants, brushing away any visible creases. Taking another look at the clock, it reads that a rough thirty minutes has past. I actually took a lot longer than what I normally take.

I don't want to leave. Not yet anyways. But I have to. I don't have much of a choice.

Before I leave the only safe sanctuary I have, I throw on a grey beanie, and quickly grab the old, and grab my worn out brown backpack bag.

Softly closing the door behind me, I listen closely for any sign that the demons are awake. When I hear nothing, I quietly began to descend the staircase, believing that today I would be free of their presence.

I was wrong.

I hear the sound of the all to familiar sound of glass breaking against its target. A deep grunt follows after. Then the echoing of the kitchen cupboards opening and closing.

Once I reach the end of the stairs, I try to carefully walk past the old grump, only to make contact with something squishy. The subject squirms, letting out a series of incoherent mumbles.

The sound of another person's presence alerts the grump in the other room.

"Nancy?!" It yells. The sound of their feet shuffle against the floorboard as they make their way into the living room.

The grump leans against the entry door, glancing at me before looking at figure on the floor.

"Da power snot workin'" he slurs, rubbing his nose.

The figure below gives a moan, moving around in an attempt to move into a sitting position. When it gathers enough support in their arms, they are finally able to sit up, glaring at the old grump.

"Yeah? And? Whatcha want me to do 'bout it, Mike?" the frazzled woman snaps, rubbing her arms in an attempt to seek out heat.

The grump frowns.

"Whatcha tink? Somebody's gots to pay so I can take a bath in some nice, warm water."

My brow twitches just a bit. The slim ball actually wants to bathe? That's a first....

The woman with the tangles in her hair swats her hand in his direction.

"Well it won't be me."

The grumps then looks at me. Unfortunately.

"You....girl," he starts off with, reaching into the pocket of his pants and throwing a wadded up piece of paper at me. I grab the crumpled up bill, slipping it into my own pocket.

Grumpy then begins to walk in my direction, causing the woman on the floor to quickly shuffle away.

Once he's standing I'm front of me, he digs into a different pocket until he pulls out a small bundle of money. He holds it tightly in one hand, using the other to grip my chin in a tight hold.

"This money," he says slowly, his rotten breath hitting my face,"Is to only be, uh, used for da bill."

He wiggles the bundle a bit before hitting it with me in the face.

"Ya geddit? Don't try to pull uh funny and keep some for yourself you ungrateful brat. Ya 'ear meh? Or won't like it."

He gives me this sickening smirk, thrusting the money aggressively into my hand, then pats my cheek. Hard. Giving me once last look before attempting to walk away, only to stumble into the next room. The mumbles somethings under his breathe before slamming the door halfheartedly.

I roll my eyes, tucking the tainted money into my front pocket.

I want to leave already, but I can't. Not with bonds that are keeping me here.

"Rosieeeee.." A soft voice calls.

I cringe at the sound of the voice. I despise it. It sounds like a croaking frog, with all the smoke that's been nestled within her lungs.....but it's not like I've been any better. At least I don't sound like her.

Turning to look at her, she gives me a drunken, toothy smile as she waves her lighter around. She uses her free hand to make gestures as an indication for me to give her what she desires.

Wordlessly, I grab the pack of cigarettes I had stored in the pocket of the jacket I had on, and toss it in her direction. She greedily pulls one out, quickly lights it, and takes a drag from it. With the stick back between her lips, she looks up at me and gives me another dreadful smile.

"Thank you, baby..." She whispers, tossing the cigarette pack back at me. I slip it back in its hiding spot.

Some might think how can I, a minor, have cigarettes on my person? Well it's very simple to explain.

During the moments when both of the demons were out of it, they'd throw some of their 'leftovers' my way. They thought I was too much of a coward to actually try anything. Boy, were they wrong. Extremely wrong. I'm almost as bad as those two. Almost. I use it to numb away my emotions.

Focusing back at the badly aged woman on the floor, she indicates for me to leave. Which I will gladly comply with. My feet make stomping noises as I quickly grab the hanging keys and exit the house.

The clouds cover the once twinkling sun, causing a shadow to cover over the isolated field. The small breeze helping the leafs dance around, flowers tilting over.

It's nice out here. This I like.

But it can't stay like this forever.

With a sigh, I get into the rusty pick-up truck. I start the ignition, and shift the gear into drive.

Next destination, High School. The definition of Hell on Earth.


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