Chapter One

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So...decided to repost this story afterall (now that i finally found the inspiration to complete it) so I hope you guy enjoy it and tell me what you think. 


Chapter One

This day is going to suck, I think unstrapping the heels that almost broke my ankle a few seconds ago. My friend Natty was waiting for me by her car, impatiently tapping her foot and completely oblivious to my swelling ankle. I cursed her silently in my head, imagining a large viscous bird taking her far, far away before wobbling back to the car with a pained expression.

"Well?" she asked me adding the percussion of her perfectly acrylic red fingernails against the driver’s door. "Aren't you going in?"

I violently shook my head and sighed, opening the passenger door and stubbornly plopped down into the soft lush material of the seat. I watched at least ten cars zoom across the busy street in front of me before I heard her swear and get in the car.

"Why the hell not?" she said watching me while I rubbed my sore ankle. I glared at the black strappy stiletto heels she talked me into wearing and refused to acknowledge her presence. This is all of her fault anyway.

"Listen girly," she told me seriously. Without even looking at her I could tell her eyebrows were forming that nasty looking v-shape that gives her forehead those deep wrinkles that look like they'll never go away. "I busted my ass to get you this interview. Do you know who they wanted instead? Some slut with big tits and an accent, that's who. I mean, not to put you down or anything but she is hot...and smart. There's no way I'm going to let you blow this opportunity. No. Freaking. Way. So you better get your ass out of this car and put a smile on your face."

"Thanks," I say as sarcastically as I could manage. "Really your concern is so endearing." I put my hand to my chest like was really touched by her words, but really the last thing I want to do right now is step out of this car.

I looked at her for the first time in like an hour. I’ve been so pissed and fuming about this interview I couldn't bear to look into her pleading eyes. Ugh, I mentally sighed. Why didn't she just get the job then if she's so worked up about it? She's pretty enough-- a lot better looking than me with long blond hair and bright blue eyes. She has a sweet doll face a lot of girls would kill for and an athletic body to top it all off. She’d get the job and wouldn’t even have to open her pretty little mouth.

 Me, on the other hand…let’s just say that I’m average and not really spectacular in anything besides awkwardness. Come to think of it, what made her think I was right for this job in the first place—my amazingly cynical attitude?

"I don't have any shoes," I said lamely. "I guess you should just drive me home." I shrugged my shoulders at her evil look, giving off the oh-what-a-pity vibe, while trying to hide a smile. Natty's one tough cookie to crumble but I think I've finally won this battle, and it's about time too, I think. The Steve Wilkos show is just about to come on.

Just then I heard a ruffling sound and turned my head to see Natty slipping off her ballet slippers. She took my broken shoes and tossed them in the back seat of her car whilst proffering the silver and black sparkling beauties.

"Here," she said, her wrinkles gone but the seriousness still there. "I don't want to hear any more excuses, okay? This is the perfect job for you, Jesse, I swear it, but you'll never know if you never try, right?"

She was expecting an answer but she wouldn't get one from my lips. Reluctantly I pulled on her slippers while cursing the gods for making our feet so close in size. I pictured that very large bird coming any minute now and taking my friend away to some undesired place like Peewee Herman’s funhouse or something. I try to hold back my dark amusement but fail.

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