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Phana checked the group message. San was asking again to meet up in the coming weekend.

Thada and Sharp readily agreed.

Phana waited for Arthit's reply. He will Frame his answer according to his answer.

He waited and waited and waited. And got irritated. Damn!! What this damn boy is doing to take so much time to reply.

Must be with that P'Sun of his, he thought bitterly. Whenever Phana thinks of Arthit and P'Sun together, he just looses his mind.

He feels like separating them physically. And if they are standing right in front of him, it's a torture.

What seemed like hours but was just 15 minutes, Arthit replied,

"Sorry guys, I can't"



"I have to go shopping with P'Sun for his shop. But I promise i'll make it up to you guys."

As soon as Phana read that, he threw his phone on the bed. And felt like breaking something.

No, he has better control than this, he needs to plan something. He needs to get Arthit alone and tell him.

Tell him that he likes him. Yes.

Wait, what?? Phana blinked his eyes. He almost dropped on his bed when the weight of his realisation hit him.

He likes Arthit. A guy!!

He groaned in frustration and rubbed his face.

Oh god.


It was Saturday. And even phana has declined the group outing because he has other things to do. Like spying on Arthit.

Currently he was near Arthit's home. Waiting for him to come out.

P'Sun arrived, Arthit came out and together they went away.

Phana followed their car from a distance.

They entered a big furniture shop and Phana followed same.

They roamed around, checking out furniture and that P'Sun never left a chance to touch Arthit.

Phana's rage started and it was just the beginning of it.

They went from shop to shop, with Phana following and grinding his teeth.

Near the evening, they went to a place to eat. And Phana had to witness the slow torture. With P'Sun wiping Arthit's mouth, filling his plate or just casually touching his hands or shoulder.

And in return, every smile Arthit gave to him, every gesture he accepted, was a stab to Phana's heart.

But he finally lost it when that P'Sun hugged Arthit at the end of the day.

Phana stormed out of his hiding position, yanked P'Sun away, glared at him and hissed to Arthit,

"It's time we go home"

Then grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

Arthit pulled his hand back,

"I am not going anywhere with you!!"

"I think we need to talk"

Arthit narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a moment,"fine!!"

Then turning to P'Sun said,

"I'll take my leave"

The ride back home was silent. Arthit waited for Phana to say something, but he kept mum.

Soon they reached Arthit's home, but Phana didn't stop and drove away.

"Hey!! That was my house!!"

"Just come with me"

Arthit sighed and agreed.

As soon as Phana's bedroom door closed, he faced Arthit and began saying,

"Don't meet P'Sun. It makes me go mad"

Arthit made a face," are you crazy? Am leaving"

Phana stopped him and continued," not only P'Sun, all other people who have romantic interest in you, don't get close to them"

Arthit frowned," what are you talking about? Besides, I have known P'Sun longer than you"

"That's all the more reason"


"I like you"

Arthit blinked,"stop joking"

Phana pulled him forward and crashed their lips together.

Arthit pushed him back,

" What the hell was that?"

"A kiss......no, it was just the touching of our lips. A Real kiss is like this"

Phana then placed his hand behind Arthit's neck and pulled him forward, and kissed him fiercely.

Arthit struggled.

Phana let him go, but only to push him roughly on the bed. Climbed on top of him and proceeded to kiss him senseless.


Reasons we can never be friends [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें