Peter follows close, making sure not to be left behind or forgotten. By the time we reach the elevator I'm amazed he hasn't just attached himself to my back. It would practically be the same distance that's he's been keeping away from me just walking.

Taking the elevator to the hospital wing and finally figuring out where the secure area is-behind a door with the word lock and the combination being Potts- Peter and I make our way in.

The room the second twin is being held in is large, no windows, possibly two cameras and a second word combination metal door with Pietro as the combination but the cage is about double the size of my bedroom, and he is sitting in the corner under a camera with everyone- other than Wanda- on the opposite side of the cage like room.

The bed is flipped against the east wall, shower curtain hanging off of what is most likely a second camera.


The attention in the room instantly went from everyone looking at the twins to me, and the young boy just in the doorframe.

Turning I shove Peter back into the hall, if this gets ugly I don't need the boy in here. Any harm that would come to him would be on my metal hands.

Turning I come face to face with the boy, and look at Wanda walking towards us as if she's trying not to startle her brother.


"You helped them." I wish I had memories of this guy if I did help...

"HYDRA. You helped them."
"Oh. Them them. Yah, I didn't help them voluntarily."

His eyes watch my face, trying to take it in, trying to find my tell.

"No. You helped them. Because you could."

Wanda is standing at his side, eyeing me now.

'What's he talking about?'
'I don't know.'
'He's your brother! Ask him!'

His eyes flicker slightly but turn back to me almost instantaneously. "Yes?"
"What are you talking about?"

"She was there. She pushed me and trained me. Death made me kill."

The room once again is looking and closing in on me, making me feel small and childish. Like I can be crushed easily.

Blinking rapidly I try to find something within my memory storage but it's either full of fake/fuzzy memories or completely out of order. "I-I don't remember."

Pietro takes a step closer to me, instead of being a good two feet away he is now right in my face, "how would you not remember beating me bloody, you made me bleed for what you called 'a worthy cause' and you were glad to do it."

Now, I shouldn't be able to go 'yah, I don't remember bud. Wanna explain what happened a little bit better?' But of course HYDRA just had to mess with my head, tear my brain apart with the damn machine. They even mutilated my body with their 'technology' of covering perfectly fine, muscular arms with fake stupid metal ones.

Because HYDRA could do it. Only reason too. No, there was a second one: create a match for their first super solider. The Winter Soldier.

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