Forty One: Forgiven

Start from the beginning

I just nodded my head and walked away from Anthony. My emotions were all over the place and I realized that I couldn't do this anymore. Tristan and others were going to be pissed, but I didn't care at this point. They don't understand the pain that was going through me and how embarrassing it was to face Anthony that way again with people around. I walked past my office and started making my way to Matt Raub's office. It was going to happen and I needed to do it now before I forced myself to be even more unhappy.

I walked up to his door that was already opened and saw him sitting at his desk and on the computer. I knocked on it and he looked up with a smile. "Hey, Veronica!" he greeted.

"Hey, do you have a second? I need to talk to you," I told him.

"Yeah, of course. Come in," he said as he waved me in. I walked in and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. "What's up?"

I could feel myself starting to hesitate, but I knew that this had to happened since I was already in his office. I took one deep breath and looked right at Matt Raub's concerned face. "I can't work here anymore." His eyes instantly widen since the concerned look he just had turned into a surprised expression. "Even though I love working here and being around all of you, it just isn't for me anymore. I've caused too much problems and with me around after it all, the tension has gotten high and it's just making not only me uncomfortable, but everyone else too."

Matt just kept nodding his head and waiting for me to continue. I hated to just throw this on him, but I know telling him that I'm quitting would be a hell of a lot easier than telling someone like Sarah or Joe. I trusted Matt and I know he will let everyone at Smosh and Defy know what my choice is so I wouldn't have to where someone like Sarah and Joe wouldn't want that responsibility and would've probably even tried talking me out of it. Matt was just always the one guy I could talk to and joke around with without getting in trouble. He yells at me when I joke with the fam, but with him it's okay.

Classic Matt Raub.

"I don't want the tension getting worse here," I continued to say. "Everybody basically knows what I did behind Anthony's back and I can tell you now, if something happens between Shayne and I, Defy is not going to allow that to happen."

"They let you and Anthony slide since you both were already together when you started, but they just recently found out about the breakup and aren't too happy about it," Matt admitted. "Luckily, the videos we have out don't talk a lot about your guys relationship so that won't be awkward when fans watch the videos." I nodded my head and just looked at him as he sighed. "But they wouldn't allow it to happen again so you are correct on that."

"It's just better for me and the company itself if I leave," I told him. "I hate to do it, but it's what's best."

"I understand," Matt said to me. He leans back in his chair and I finally looked back up at him. "It's a shame we're losing you since you're one of the best producers. Except for me since I am the best and you know you couldn't top me." I giggled and shook my head while Matt started laughing. I really was going to miss it here. Matt slightly smiled and said, "We are going to miss you though."

"I'm going to miss you guys too," I said with a small smile. The emotions that were still going through my body started making its way up to my eyes and tears started forming, but I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face. I didn't want to get upset right now.

"And if you ever change your mind, just know that you are more than welcome to come back," he told me. I smiled and we both got up from our chairs. "Now I'm going to be weird and give you a hug." I giggled and he walked over to me with arms wide open and I reached my arms out to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest. He was like a big teddy bear and I know he did this because I needed it and he was going to miss me. "I wish you the best, Veronica."

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