Ch 14| My old friend

Start from the beginning

   "Then why did u do it? Honestly I too feel bad on hurting him he's just a normal guy like us taehyung he never did anything I mean in school he now gets talked on very well people always saying hi to him and all taehyung stop hurting him you were his friend imagine the nightmare it would be to see ur friend the only one you have starts hating you for no reason you would feel bad wouldn't u? We are almost adults we need to stop honestly.... I never even liked hurting him that's why I rarely didn't it.... I don't wanna be violent...'hobi says making taehyung thinks and suddenly feel some guilt over what he has done

   'I guess I just idk.....seeing it by what u said I can see how I deserve what I got but it's whatever... thanks for dropping me off here hobi.... thank god im home alone for two days I don't want my mom or dad seeing this.... I'll see you tomorrow!" he says asking for a hug drop hobi and actually doing it.


   "Well at least you defended yourself  and told me kookie that's the little man I want you to be! To fight back and feel proud of what he did! Good thing it only left ur cheek red and not so bruised." Jin says after jungkook took a shower since he saw jungkook has another bruise on his cheek. "Yea I didn't want to be that weak and I know I made him think idk what causes taehyung to be this way for me I cared about him, if only he realized what he's turn to and apologized maybe I'd consider being his friends with limits of course I'm not gonna let anyone that easy not like jimin at least, but he's proving himself."Jungkook says putting the ice pack in his cheek wincing a bit at the pain.

   "Who knows kookie but I'm glad maybe he's dealing with something who kneel sometimes we are meant to have people in our lives sometimes we don't." Jin speaks as Jungkook nods after a while of laughter Jin left Jungkook alone.

   Jimin hyung:
Hey I'm sorry if I'm being annoying but umm I'm bored and there's no way I'm texting my friends first... I'm sorry if I seem clingy
                           You don't seem clingy to
             Me hyung its all fine and it's was
           Nice hanging with u today and all

   Jimin hyung:
I'd say the same thing for you ur a really good dancer and singer I applauded u... anyways moving on did u get home well I know I did...
                          Yes I did a bit beaten up
            But that's fine it's not like I didn't
           Do anything about it looks like ur
          Taehyung will come tmrw with a
        Messed up lip sorry for that but I
       Had to he tried first

  Jimin hyung;
    Taehyung is a great friend but idk why he hates u don't have worry what he tries scaring u on u have not influenced me I know he would do this but eh needs to apologize to me that fucker said things that I would hurt him in but becuz I'm in school I didn't
                         Yea but whatever anyways
                    Keep me entertained I'm bored
                 Anything is fine really like umm
                Can you speak any language besides  Korean?

Jimin hyung:

  Umm no but I wish I did I'm trying to late  English it's coming in ok...

After texting and laughing Jungkook and Jimin fell asleep knowing  tomorrow would be a somewhat hectic day for them but both got up and went to school. "So he pretty much punched you wow that rat did really change, but I bet today in dance class he won't know shit we can try humiliating him their...."Namjoon says

   "It doesn't matter the kid might actually have talent after all really do we even wanna hurt him at this point really? I mean  I'm actually a bit tired of this we can just not like him." Yoongi says a bit lazily, you can say he didn't get a well sleep until they turned seeing jimin and Jungkook coming in laughing jimin ignoring the others.

   "That betrayer I swear! I don't wanna talk about it anymore anyways Namjoon, I feel we will do good in our partner thing don't you think? Why did hobi not get a dance partner?" Taehyung recalls after a while.   "Because I told JB that I rather not do a song for myself and all... I'll dance with hobi but I can't make any promises or stuff.... let's just head to class I'm actually excited!" Yoongi says all shocked he got from feeling lazy to energetic.

   "Sometimes he makes me believe he was born as an old man like grandpa but somehow He also makes me believe he was born as someone his age Aish this hyung really?!" Namjoon says causing laughter out of hobi and Taehyung when yoongi flicks them off as he heard and they still keep laughing either way.

  A/n 1623 words is the most I've written out of anything I've done so far I'm impressed with myself.... tho I applause to the others who make it 2000 or 3000 I'll try doing that a bit slowly... anyways long chapter I hope u guys liked it!

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