Shklance / Our naughty princess

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Lance and Shiro were making out with Keith. Lance kissing one side of his neck and Shiro doing the other side. Shiro brings his hand to Keith's chest and plays with his nipple.

"~Keith do you know? see, your nipple is standing's because of me that your body is feeling it right?~" Shiro says in a sexy tone.

"Hmm? it's not. It's thanks to me. You like and feel it at the spots i'm touching you...i'm going to touch you lots...i'll lick you..." Lance says as he does the same thing to Keith's other nipple.

"Lance thinks he has me beat?"

"I'm only telling the truth."

" Keith what do you think? Lance and my touches, which do you like?"

"It's obviously me right?" Lance says kissing Keith's neck again and again.

"No It's me right..." Shiro says kissing the other side.

"No...... Both... of you are good."

"you like both of us. you're so cunning." Shiro stops to talk to Keith.

"you always reply it like that...yeah, we know that you're telling the truth. but it's a little boring."

"Well, it's okay. Being able to make you feel good, I'm really happy." Shiro says then he notices something. "you're already overflowing...Hmm? i see...because it felt, this hard thing, you like it right? yeah...such good moan..." Keith lets out all kinds of soft moans.

"I'll lick your nipples......" lance kisses one of Keith's nipples "..It rapidly turned hard..." he kisses it again. "if i remember correctly, you like it to be sucked..."

"Aaaaaaa..." Keith let out a soft moan. "Ah! just now your ass tightened a bit." Shiro kisses Keith. "it's overflowing so much~..... so arousing~."

"hey not fair,,,,,, i wanna kiss too."

"what should we do? Lance wants a kiss too."

"I'll....... give you a kiss too..."

"Yay!" Lance yelled and gave Keith a kiss.

"you lips are so soft...... I love them...."

"then i should...... kiss anywhere except your lips......" Shiro says as he kisses Keith's arms.

"Such cute's the 'you're feeling it' moan right?..." Lance ask as he kisses Keith shoulder-blade. "....does it feel that good?" lance ask. he wants to know the answer.

"Aaaaa.... Mmmmmm.... k-kinda..."

"then, let's give you more to feel good..." Shiro wipers to Keith. then again Keith dick starts to spill with precum. "amazing, it's overflowing."

"what a face. you like to be lick here right?" Lance ask as he touches Keith's pelvis. then Shiro brings his face to where Lance was just touching and starts to lick there. many of moans escape Keith's lips. "such amazing moan..... don't hold on so tightly...I understand it feels good..." Lance talks to Keith. Shiro stops licking Keith and says.

" i'm putting my finger in." he sticks them in Keith's ass and a loud moan of pleasure fills the room. "my finger is being held on so badly...such arousing site..." he continues to lick Keith in the same spot.

"L... Lan-ce...... S-Shiro Please....... i i- want........"

"Hmm? what is it? what's wrong? i can't hear you...say it more clearly."

"please..... put it in..."

"one more time...clearly..."

"your... dick please put it in...."

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