shklance / I love you

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Requested by @skystorm777

"Alright I'm on my way." Lance says to himself. He wants to go to the training room today and well..... train. To him Keith's skills keep accelerating. And Shiro is just better then everyone.

"In your way to what?" He hears a voice. He turns to see pidge.

"I'm gonna go train today."

"Oh. Is Keith is not in there?"

"I don't know. How should I know?"

"Dude you say you hate him but i think you like him."

That's half wrong I like both Keith and shiro. But if she knew. She would never let me live it down. Lance thinks to himself.

"Wh-what! No I dont!" He yells.

"Sure keep telling your self that." She says as she leaves to do who knows what. As Lance turns the corner he sees Keith  and shiro making out. At the site he let's out a little peep and runs back down he came.

About three hours later dinner was ready. All the palidans are eating. And Lance has not said a word. Everyone is talking about something. Then shiro speaks up.

"I have an anoucement to make. Keith and I are going out." He says keith lightly hits him for telling the group what's going on in their life. Keith takes notice of lances lack of inter in what their all taking about.

"Lance. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He gets up and leaves the table. "I'm tired. Going to bed." Going to bed? That sounds nothing like lance. Keith runs after lance but once lance is in his room. He locked it and never answered for anyone.

~~~~~~Time skip~~~~

It's been three weeks and lance has been avoiding keith and shiro. They needed to talk to him. So both keith and shiro came up with a plan to help them do that. When everyone left the castle to do something keith and shiro stayed and hid from lance. Minutes later lance left the room and shiro grabbed him from behind. Lance struggled but soon gave in to the grip around him.

"Lance what's going on?" Asked keith.

"What do you mean?"

"Your avoiding us... why?"

"I'M NOT!- I'm not avoiding you."

"Yes you are lance. Tell us what's going on." Says shiro.

"It's.... nothing."

"It's not 'nothing' something is going on. So until you tell us.... no one is going anywhere."

"I'm not telling you."

"Good then we could be here all night." A sigh ecapes lances lips.

"I'm just...."

"Just what?" Ask keith.


"Jelous? Of what?" Shiro ask.

"Of the two of you."

"Of us? Why?" They ask in unison.

"Because..... Because you two are so open with each other! And I never got to say that.... that....." tears form in his eyes and fall. "That.... I love you both.."

Keith and shiro look at each other then back at lance. Just as lance was about to leave keith and shiro kiss him on each on one cheek.

"We love you too." They both say.

(A/N) here is another one. Hope you enjoyed. I'm am currently writing this in class. so sorry if Grammer is poor.

Voltron one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant