The Guardians

887 156 55

Third Person POV

Klamkabot was walking in the castle's corridors, with Boboiboy behind him. He was in a rush, Klamkabot had to immediately report to the guardians. Boboiboy was obviously more powerful than his father, since he was able to use the Elemental Magic subconsciously. Boboiboy on the other hand, was examining the castle. He turns his attention to Klamkabot.

"So where are we going?" Boboiboy asks.

"To the guardians..."

"Of the galaxy?" Boboiboy jokingly said.

Klamkabot rolls his eyes, "Don't disrespect them, they might be more powerful than you."

Boboiboy nods, "Yes sir!"

Klamkabot stops in front of a massive door, he slams the door open.

"Wait here..." Klamkabot instructs Boboiboy.

Boboiboy could only nod, he didn't have the slightest idea on who the guardians were. Boboiboy watches Klamkabot enter the room, he could see 10 mysterious figures floating in the air, all of them wore coats and hoods that covered their faces.

One of the figures spoke, "Klamkabot, I see you've succeeded obtaining the prince." The figure glances at Boboiboy.

"Yes, but I have urgent news..." Klamkabot said while kneeling down.

"What is it?"

Klamkabot looks at them with a serious expression, "The prince, he has grown to powerful... I had just witnessed him use Elemental Magic earlier. Do you think it's possible that he is the foretold savior from the prophecy?"

There were murmuring among the guardians, then finally one spoke.

"We will see how this goes... Klamkabot, bring us the boy." An elderly voice commands.

Klamkabot turns to Boboiboy, then signals him to enter the room. Boboiboy enters the room, instantly he felt all eyes were on him. He waves at them, making Klamkabot mentally face-palm.

"Ah... Klamkabot is correct. Your magic had grown quite powerful, but it is unstable..." The voice sounded like it came from an elderly woman.

"Yes, I sense it is more powerful than ours..." A deep voice adds.

"We should seal him! He is a threat!" A voice exclaims.

"No! He could be a great service to the kingdom!" Another argues.

"His powers are unstable, if one wrong move, he could destroy us all!" One of them said.

"Silence!" The voice of the elderly woman silences them.

All of them were quiet, none dares to speak.

"She must be the leader then..." Boboiboy mutters.

"We shall debate of this. Those who think we should seal him, raise your hands..." the elderly woman continues.

Six of them raises their hands, gazing at Boboiboy as they do.

"Alright, those against it?"

Four of them, they all placed their hands down. Looking at Boboiboy obviously sorry for him, but Boboiboy didn't mind. He knew there was nothing they could do, he had to be sealed.

"Come forward, young prince!" A voice commands.

Boboiboy did exactly what was told, he looks at them with no fear.

"He is brave, for his age..." The voice of the elderly woman comments.

"We shall begin to seal him!"

Boboiboy stood in the middle, of a circle that had multiple symbols on it. The hands of the guardians began to glow, they all chanted "Refritroct lésh riân!"

Klamkabot watched in horror, as the beam struck Boboiboy. What else could he do? No one could go against the guardians, not even the past king himself. As the beams struck Boboiboy, there was a massive explosion, making Klamkabot and guardians fly backwards. The walls started to crack, The glass windows began to shatter. A huge cloud of dust fogs the area, making them unable to see.

"Is Everyone alright!?" The elderly woman yells.

They nod, they turn their attention to the dispersing fog of dust. What they saw, shock them all.

"H-how is this possible!?"

Boboiboy didn't have a single scratch on him, instead there was multiple symbols seen on his body.

"Impossible!" One of the guardians yells.

Klamkabot rushes towards Boboiboy, but when he was near. The symbols began to fade, until it became transparent, no where to be seen.

"Am I sealed now?" Boboiboy asks with a confused expression.

Klamkabot shook his head, "No, if you were.... you aren't supposed to be conscious."

Boboiboy looks at his arms, as if he was studying them. "So how do I remove this symbols on my arms?"

Klamkabot raises a brow, "Huh? What symbols?"

"Huh? What do you mean? They're every where!" Boboiboy answers.

The guardians exchange looks, they too do not know what had happened. All they know that, it was suppose to seal him. And apparently their spell didn't work, this confused them.

"How is he immune to our magic?" One of the guardians asks.

"I don't know..."

Meanwhile, in Boboiboy's vision, he could see multiple symbols. There were some on Klamkabot, the guardians also had some. Boboiboy notices that the guardians had more symbols around them, than Klamkabot has.

"Woah!" Boboiboy said.

Which made Klamkabot look at him, with an eyebrow raised. Klamkabot's eyes widen when he saw Boboiboy's eyes turn green for a second, he had seen this before, from the first king.

"K-king Ghard?" Klamkabot mutters.

"Huh? Who's that?" Boboiboy asks.

"No one..." Klamkabot replies.

"Klamkabot! We have made a decision! Since we don't have the ability so seal him, we expect you to teach him. After a few weeks, you will place him in the Magic academy. This will help him to control his magic.." The guardians said unison.

Klamkabot turns to them, and kneels. "As you wish..."

"Good, from now on... Boboiboy!" The guardians transfer their gazes to the teenager. "You will begin your training, to become a proper ruler of this world."

Boboiboy smiles, "This is going to be fun..."

(Author: Heyo! Author here! Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry, this chapter was short 😣. Comment your suggestions, and please feel free to make theories!)

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