Chapter One

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I wrapped my fingers around the handle of my dagger the smell of blood fills the air. Bodies laid around covering the street, none dead. She never killed but she always made sure she left them in agony. Their painful groans filled my ears I hated the sound but I had gotten used to it. I had grown used to lots of things.

She stood there not to far away from where we stood. Maybe a yard or two. The moonlight reflected off her blue dress how she managed to fight in it I will probably never know. Her matching blue mask covered her face from her nose to her forehead. She looked at me with ice cold blue eyes.

Her hair fell in a messy braid over he shoulder with snowflake clips in it. Her cape was long and attached to the back of her dress, like her dress I didn't know how she managed to fight but she was The Snow Queen and with her anything was possible.

She held her daggers in her gloved hands she was smart to prevent leaving fingerprints. Although she stood alone I knew she wasn't her team or gang as some of us call them hid in the shadows. There were two very well known The Archer (TA) she usually wore a red shirt that shimmered like The Snow Queen for short (TSQ) and black jeans. Her hair was always in a curl frizzy pony tail. She always had a bow and arrow or a crossbow this earned her the name The Archer. Her mask was like TSQ excepted blood red.

Then there was The Painter (TP) she usually wore a purple skirt and a pink tank top. She had freakishly long blond hair that fell freely. Her weapon was often a frying pan strange I know but the girl was good with a dagger too. She earned the name The Painter because she often painted symbols of a sun on herself. Like TSQ and TA she wore a mask but hers was purple and outlined with gold.

They all also had on long knee high boots TA-Red TSQ-Blue TP-Purple all with matching gloves. They were all skilled and smart so were we but instead of different outfits we all wore the same. Black jumpsuits and mask. For shoes, we chose freely some people didn't even wear any.

We were known as The Nightmares why? It was the name chosen by our bosses we had three whose names were never revealed we only ever spoke to them through phone or email. And if lucky at the hive or layer whatever you decide to call it. But we never saw there face....ever.

"I'd like to speak to your leader," TSQ spoke her voice even and cold.

"Why?!" One of my team members that still standing demanded.

"My guess is your leader is not with you, my guess you don't even know who your leader is," she smirked, "Why would you listen to someone you never were seen?"

"Exactly why we never listen to you!" I knew this voice but didn't look at him.

I couldn't take my eye off The Snow Queen you can't let your guard down she was capable of horrible things or so I heard. She sighed shaking her head then laughed it sounded like what snow would if it could speak. It was beautiful but cold like a Milkshake it tastes wonderful but often gave you a brain freeze.

Just great I thought to myself, Now I'm craving Chocolate Milk Shakes!

"I'm not asking you to listen," She tells us, "If I can't speak to your leader I would like to speak to the top Nightmares then the most loyal to King Nightmare."

Our leader was known as King Nightmares or KN because of the lack of knowing his name. We had Three leaders but only one of them called the shots. I stepped forward followed by my four dearest friends we were the top Nightmares.

"What is it you want?" I asked with venom.

The Snow Queen smiled, "I want you to deliver a message for me."

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