April 10

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Dear Miranda, April 10

Hellooo again. Remember when I mentioned that assembly last time we had a little chat (yes, I know it's not chatting, stop being nitpicky)? Well, let me tell you, that it was hell on earth. I know I was allowed to leave early, but I was sick of being a baby about it all, sick of all the special treatment, something I know I would've loved when you were still here.
Anyway, I wished I'd been a baby a little longer, because the assembly was awful. Mr. Scotts talked about all of your achievements (which took a long time, Miss Perfect) then discussed all the things that were required of him as a principal. "Be safe, check all man-made things, even play things, regularly, always be kind," blah blah blah. Like anyone listens to that shit anyway.
Kat was acting weird during the ceremony today. She kept doing that thing when she gets nervous, putting on ample amounts of lip gloss over and over again. Alec was great though, and held my hand through it all. He seems to know, even better than I do, when I need a tiny helping hand. Or a big one, in Al's case.
I went to another stupid therapist today after the ceremony. That's like the last thing I wanted to do, listen to another idiot's views on how my healing is and should be going. Like I'm healing at all.
Ok, ok, fine, I'll find something cheerful to talk about. Let's see. Ummmmmmmm. Oh! Claira came into my room today, and said something that made me have hope for her future. Here's the convo:

"Hey do you have any orange nail polish?" Claira asked as she entered my room, without knocking, as usual.
"No," I responded without looking away from my contemplation of my gorgeous white ceiling, "Who in the wide wide world owns orange nail polish?"
"Beats me," Claira responded and I looked at her in time to see her role her eyes, "Mazie wanted some. She said it would, and I quote, 'totes match her cute new bathing suit,'" Again, the glorious eye role.
"Why do you hang out with them if they're so stupid?" I asked her.
She glanced up at me sharply, "They're the only friends I've had, and I've hung out with them since I was little. And don't call them stupid!"
I glanced at her again. She looked angry, but underneath the anger mask I saw confusion,"But dude-they're really shallow. You don't' have to hang you with them just because you did when you were little"
"They're not shallow!" She yelled, and, ignoring the other part to my very sisterly speech, stormed out of my room.

Hey hey hey! You know what this means Miranda? She is starting to see the Barbie doll in her friends! Maybe I'll like her friends in the future, if she ever gets around to finding new ones. Anyways, got to go pick at my dinner! Talk to you later.

P.S. Yeah, yeah, I miss you too

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