“Eh, you are right.” I sighed. I then happily jumped off his lap. “What do you say, let’s go have FUN!” I pulled his arm and lead his out. As I opened the doors, the loud boom of loud arcade music filled my ears.

I reluctantly removed my heels and blazer and placed them beside the door of the lounge while Greyson removed his jacket and tie. We both ran to the tilt-a-whirl ride and got on it.

Oh my Gosh, this was one of the worst ride but the hell, I haven’t ridden this in a loooong time. As Greyson and I dizzily excited the ride, we both laughed drunkenly as we coincidently bumped into Louis and Niall who were chugging on cans of RedBull.

“And since when did you two come out of that hell-hole-of-work to come play with us freaks?” Niall jumpily exclaimed.

“Since five minutes ago!” Greyson replied with giddied tone.

Louis Niall and I laughed at his frivolous behavior.

“Hey, guys! Let’s go on the Octopus!” Bryan yelled running towards us with, Liam, Zayn, Harry and Victoria cautiously tagging along behind Bryan making sure the baby boy doesn’t trip on anything. How adorable that they care, awe!

I lifted Bryan up on my arms, “Oh my goodness, you’re heavy!” I stumbled back trying to regain my composure. Then Greyson took him from my arms and carried him instead.

“C’mon then!” Greyson put Bryan on his back and we all ran to the octopus ride.

“Oh my God, this – is – one of – the best days – ever!” I managed to say between my panting breaths.

We were all laughing at the memory of Niall and Harry having their pants pulled down when the hooks on the fences got caught on the end of their trousers.

We were all having a great dinner at the Greenbelt Mall in the Chili’s Restaurant. Sadly there isn’t a Nandos branch here so Victoria insisted on dinning in Chili’s almost close to Nandos.

We’ve just finished half of our meal but Victoria and I were witnessing the huge chaos between seven very hungry boys. Niall was stuffing chicken in his mouth so as his other band mates. Greyson was placing the a big scoop of spaghetti on his plate while Bryan on the other hand was chugging down a glass of cold water, I told him that Victoria and I we’re allowing him to drink soft drinks.

Victoria and I were the only two girls here that couldn’t do anything to calm these dorks down. The only thing that was missing was them actually shoving their own face on the plate. They were all talking about their music career now.

“I wish I could be as famous as you guys. See as my sister can sing, I hope I can be as great as you bros.” Bryan pouted his lip.

“Oh, Bryan you can be cool rich fol-“ Harry said but seeing as Louis cut him off by nudging him on the rib made him stop.

“What Harry meant was that, you can be successful in the music industry if you work hard enough to get your goal, Bryan.” Louis said.

“Yeah, Bry. If you put your mind into it, you’ll soon enough be riding the same roller coaster as mine, which is called ‘life’. That is the cart that will bring you up and down, round and round, is also the same feeling of excitement. You stomach with churn with mixed emotions, and the higher you get, the more fun it’ll be when you scream in success.” Zayn concluded.

The Love Game With Greyson Chance [DISCONTINUED] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu