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Dedicated to Twoony, for helping me write Kade the country boy, because she writes awesome characters and books (seriously, check out her profile! ), and because she was the cool kid I would've admired but wouldn't dare to talk to in high school, haha!


"Kade, it's so wonderful to see you again!"

A beautiful woman with dark brown hair tied in a bun, and one of the warmest smiles I'd ever seen, came walking towards me with open arms.

After all the stories I'd heard about evil stepparents who hardly allowed the light of life in their stepchildren's eyes, she would never know how much of a relief that was. I hadn't been particularly worried Chiara Bruno lost her radiant smile in the time I hadn't seen her, but it'd been a while since her and Dad's wedding. The first and only occasion I'd talked with her.

I returned Chiara's smile and jutted my hand in her direction. "It's very nice to see you again, too."

"Aw, don't be a stranger, Kade. Come here."

The corners of Chiara's eyes crinkled as her smile widened. Ignoring my outstretched hand, she hugged me instead and pressed three kisses to my cheeks. I didn't mind. I went for the handshake to be polite, but it seemed that wasn't necessary.

"Alright, I won't be a stranger," I said with a grin. "Oh, and these are for you! Thank you for lettin' me stay at your and Dad's place for a while."

I offered Chiara the vase I'd been holding in my other hand. An arrangement of green leafy plants which would suit every home. Since I didn't know what Dad and Chiara's house looked like nowadays, I played it safe with colours.

Chiara placed a hand on her heart, touched, before accepting the gift. "Not at all. You're so welcome, Kade! Our house will always be a second home to you." She turned to my dad, who was standing next to her, and rubbed his shoulder. "He's still such a charmer! So well raised!"

Dad acknowledged Chiara's compliment with a curt nod and a restrained, close-lipped smile. Typical opposites attract at work. But the fact that Dad had smiled at all said enough. Usually his face was stern and unchanging, as if carved out of stone.

"Atticus!" Dad then called out, making one of the boys on the football field on our right look up. "Come here for a moment!"

The boy donned in full football attire, who I presumed to be Atticus, jogged our way. I'd heard of his existence, but I had missed him at the wedding. Apparently, he'd left right after the ceremony to attend a football bootcamp. He had some skill and hoped for a full scholarship when he was off to college next year.

"Kade, this is Atticus. Chiara's son," Dad introduced the boy once he was in earshot.

Like the character from To Kill a Mockingbird, I thought to myself. I didn't say it out loud, however, figuring Atticus probably got plenty of remarks about his name already. Again, I offered my hand for a handshake, fairly certain this boy didn't want three kisses like his mother.

Atticus reached for his helmet first, taking it off and clamping it under his arm. He then wiped his right hand on his pants, leaving a small dirt stain on the white fabric.

Atticus was good looking like his mom was beautiful. His dark brown hair clung to his forehead, flat from sweating and wearing a helmet. His brown skin tone was like his mother's but cooler. If I painted him, I'd have to add in more blue, while Chiara required more yellow and red. Then, green and brown, probably yellow, for his eyes.

"It's nice to meet you," I said when he finally took my hand.

"Yeah, you too," Atticus replied, surprisingly quietly for his size. He looked especially huge in the football clothes. His eyes darted away from my face when I smiled, and he let go of my hand.

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