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He was floating.

He could hear a faint voice, but Tsuna didn't have the strength or courage to figure out what was happening.

"Decimo-sama, can you hear me?" A female voice said, and Tsuna sighed mentally. Of course, he could hear her... he wasn't deaf. But he was so tired, he didn't want to respond. It was dark...he was tired...So dark.

He let the darkness win this time.


'Tsunayoshi. Tsuna-kun.' Tsuna stirred, protesting against the noise before he opened his eyes. White. He was floating in an endless landscape of light.


'You must wake up, Tsuna-kun.'

'Why, though?' Tsuna was entirely comfortable, sleeping for eternity. He didn't understand!

'There are people waiting for you, on the other side, and you must be with them. Your consciousness is slipping away, slowly but surely.'

Tsuna blinked, before a rush of memories invaded his mind, too quickly. He clutched his head and groaned loudly, his knees weak from disuse.

A hand caressed his locks, a different voice saying, 'Sleep, Tsunayoshi. You must return, to the place where you belong.'

"Tsunayoshi...wake up. Please wake up already." Hearing his name spoken so softly, delicately by that deep, familiar voice made him shiver, and the temptation to fall back into the depths of darkness was easily overpowered by the surge

However futile it proved to be the last couple of weeks, Kyoya still called out to the coma-induced boy, feeling the dregs of despair heavy in his stomach. The boy has always seemed fragile to him, someone to be protected, but he knew that Tsunayoshi had gone through things men triple his age and size wouldn't stomach. Even when he found him, smelling of clean sweat and faint iron, both the boy's forehead and nails bloodied, he still couldn't quite grasp that his master, the person he had sworn to serve and protect, was this slight, frail boy.

However, until the times before when this proved fruitless, Tsunayoshi actually stirred, his lids flittering like dandelion puffs flying away when faced with the slightest of wind.

"Tsunayoshi!" Kyoya jumped in his seat from alarm, relief filling him up when it was made clear that it wasn't his cruel imagination that Tsunayoshi had shown signs of movement because the boy groaned and mumbled something, but Kyoya was too preoccupied to tell what he said because, oh my god he finally woke up he's okay he's okay he's not gone forever he's still here oh thank god-


Kyoya is not the most emotional of men, he has to admit. He's never been shy to admit that he's, quite frankly, emotionally constipated. It came from a complex concoction of neglectful parents, bloodthirst, and impatience that he was quite certain was hereditary.

But simply the sight of a brown mess of spiky locks, golden glittering eyes that made even the rarest jewels glare with envy, was enough to make the warmth inside him feel all-consuming, almost overwhelming.

Not two seconds had passed before Tsuna was consumed in a tight, but comfortable embrace. "Ah," Tsuna made a small gasp in surprise, feeling a hand softly going through his hair, tickling his earlobe. "Uhm, Hibari-san, are you okay?" He asked obliviously as if he wasn't stuck in a coma for two weeks.

"If I didn't know you were so oblivious, I'd think you were making fun of me." Kyoya placed a light kiss on his head. "I'll get the nurse. As much as I hate to be separated from you, I'm more worried right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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