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"Damnit!" Harsh fist met the wall. Not for once, Kyoya cursed the size that was the Vongola mansion. It was proving counterproductive right now! He had searched -or thought he searched every nook and cranny! This was utterly pathetic; he was no doubt going to kill those three brats who dared to hurt his master!

'Tsunayoshi, please be safe.' He was planning on looking again, from the beginning of the third floor, if not for the presence behind him. He snapped his head (and gripped his tonfas), stopping at the neck of the other.

A mirror of himself, yet not. A mop of platinum blond and ice blue eyes stared back at him; Kyoya knew immediately afterward that he was staring at his ancestor. Though it was more of a spirit than an actual body, considering the transparent material of his body. Kyoya had no time to wonder what and why Alaude was here, as he coldly ordered him, "Follow me."

Not waiting for an answer, the man's steps were confident as he walked away from him. "Tch." He clicked his tongue but swallowed his pride for the sake of Tsunayoshi. The man clearly knew where he was after all.

Two men of uncommon words, there was much silence but neither heeded it any matter. It wasn't long until Alaude had unsheathed a key and lowered himself to the ground in front of a small closet door that had Kyoya's eyes' widening. He hadn't even thought to look there because of how small it was! His bloodlust had no time to resurface as it was drowned by the intense worry for the young boy with the bright eyes and an even brighter smile that stole his heart and mind.

The key twisted in its lock and the creaking was loud-

"Tsunayoshi!" The relief was so heavy it made Kyoya's eyes water; it was like the heaviest weight had been removed from his shoulder and it made him feel disoriented. He looked so small, so broken. It was hard to believe that this was the formidable Vongola Decimo, his arms curled up around his knees as if trying to block out the world around him.

Kyoya reached inside, an arm snaked under his knees and another around his shoulders, his touch gentle as if a miscalculated touch could shatter the boy into a million pieces. Kyoya's heart broke seeing the thick tear tracks on his cheeks, his puffy red eyes. He gently combed through Tsunayoshi's soft brown spikes.

Turning his gaze to Alaude, and morphing it into something a little less soft, he nodded firmly. Something akin to respect and gratitude grew between them. The man nodded back, and reaching in, he gently ruffled Tsunayoshi's hair, like Kyoya had done earlier.

"Take care of him." Were his last words before he vanished into thin air.

'I will.' He thought.


"I'm afraid his condition is currently unknown." The nurse said as she looked at the disheartened guardians of the current Decimo. "His flames, especially, seem unstable. They're slightly out of control, and he has a fever. All we can do is try and break the fever, or wait for him to wake up."

"Has nothing similar ever happened before?" Kyoko asked, worry embedded in her eyes. The nurse shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Sasagawa-san. Our knowledge about the sky flames is limited, because of its rarity. Even if something similar did happen, we have no records of it."

Turning to the guardians, she said, "I'd advise you not to see him all at once. It may overwhelm his subconsciousness, or if he wakes up, he'll definitely panic. Take turns seeing him every hour, but no more.

"If something happens, make sure to call me. Excuse me." She bowed and left the room. Gokudera turned to his fellow guardians and said, "We'll take shifts to look after Tsuna. It's almost nighttime anyway so whoever can should get some sleep. We're not leaving Tsuna alone, even if it's late. The staff should be looking after the students, so nobody pulls another stunt like this."

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