Dan smiled happily and nodded, getting up onto his feet, holding onto his Daddy's hand as he walked down the stairs and into the lounge.

Of course, it wasn't easy. Walking was for big boys, and Dan was far to little for that. But he managed. Phil couldn't yet carry the boy down the stairs, so it had to do for now.

Dan sat on the carpet next to a pile of scattered blocks. He clapped happily. He enjoyed building small towers and little towns, and then mercilessly knocking them down.

He crawled over to the couch, where sat a small plush piglet, who he had thoughtfully named Piglet after the character in Winnie the Pooh.

He played happily alone while Phil prepared breakfast, babbling to himself as he did so.

"Brekkies time, little one!" Phil called. "Come on to the kitchen, and Daddy will feed you. Can you do that, kitten?"

"Ekkies!!" Dan squeaked. He crawled toward Phil's voice and into the kitchen.

"That's my boy." Said Phil, before scooping Dan into his arms.

Phil sat down on a chair, keeping Dan on his lap. He put Dan's cute little airplane bib on him, and pulled a bowl toward him.

"I made oatmeal for you, sweetie." Phil said, before scooping some into a spoon and guiding it toward Dan's mouth. Dan opened his mouth and closed around the oatmeal.

He dribbled a little when he swallowed, but that's okay. Dan was too little not to dribble. And anyway, he was wearing his bib.

Phil wiped Dan's chin, and continued the ritual of scooping, feeding, and wiping until the bowl was empty.

Dan wiggled about in his Daddy's lap, signifying that he wanted out.

Phil gently lowered him to the floor, where he sat and patiently waited for Phil to finish cleaning up.

Every little morning, after breakfast time, was Dan and Phil's special 'cuddle time'. And it was exactly what it sounded like. No more, no less. The two laid on the couch covered in a big fluffy blanket for about an hour and cuddled. It was Dan's favorite part of the day, and also one of Phil's highlights.

"Let's go, puppy." Phil said to Dan, leading the way into the lounge. At the couch, Phil sat first, and pulled Dan up into his lap. Phil lowered himself into the cushions and covered himself and the little boy in a downy blanket.

"Love ou da" Dan tried. It was Adorable and Phil couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too, little baby. Who's Daddy's good boy?"

Dan shrieked happily and pointed to himself.

"Yes, little one" Phil said "you're my good little baby. Daddy's perfect little prince."

Dan smiled and laid his head into Phil's chest, listening to his Daddy's heartbeat. He wasn't sleepy, really, but the slow pitter patter of Phil's heart beat evened out his breaths, making them slow and steady. The little boy let his eyes flutter shut and wrapped his arms around Phil's torso as he fell quickly asleep. He was too little to do much else.

Phil admired the way his baby boy looked while he was alseep. He watched Dan's eyes flutter every once in a while; he was in Dreamland. He studied the boys eyelashes first, they we're long and curly, and to be envied by beauty gurus.

Then he moved to Dan's soft cheeks. Littered with small freckles, his cheeks formed a sky full of constellations. He had crater like dimples that were pronounced as he sucked gently on his pacifier. His cheeks were rosy and warm.

Next, he watched Dan's lips. They were soft and large. Smooth, as well. He liked how they looked pushed around the large pacifier in his mouth. His lips were moist and kissable, and to Phil, they were irresistible. They were warm like a summer breeze, and took up space not only on his beautiful face, but also in Phil's heart. Thinking about Dan's lips would never fail to lull Phil into a euphoric state of mind. Dan's face alone was like a drug, and Phil couldn't get enough of his lips.

Then, Dan's neck. It was soft and beautiful. Littered with love marks near faded, Phil was reminded of the nights where the two men stayed up in bed, having meaningful passion that brought a new meaning to the phrase making love.

He soon after watched as Dan's chest rose and fell as he slept. It was even and kept in track with Phil's pulse. The older man was terrified of even breathing a different way, as not to disrupt the pace that his heartbeat was keeping with Dan's slow and steady breaths.

Dan's hands were wrapped around Phil's middle and clasped together. They were small and soft and nice to hold.

Dan's tummy was soft and round. He had narrow hips, and a silky smooth belly. He was small and frail, and his stomach was supple and sleek to go with his physique.

Phil moved onward. He loved the way Dan's butt looked in a diaper. Soft and thick, and padded up. He took the time to admire how the boy's crinkly nappy stuck out of the sides of his legs and framed his soft thighs.

His thighs were wide, but small, and held the ex bleeding lines that used to become him. Phil grimaced every time he saw the scars. Not because they weren't beautiful, but because he could have done something before they were made.

He followed the lines down Dan's legs and to his sock clad feet that rubbed together while he slept.

He was in awe over his baby boy. In every way.


Dan woke up, laying atop his daddy, who was sleeping beneath him. He didn't want to wake up Daddy from his nap, but he was too little to be alone; he got up and grabbed his stuffed piggy.

He sat down next to the sofa and watched his daddy sleep. He loved Phil's broad shoulders and strong arms. Phil had been working out recently, but Dan didn't think he needed to. Dan loved his daddy the way he was.

Phil's face was shaped deliberately; hard lines cast dark shadows under his cheekbones and chin. Unlike Dan's face, which was soft and rounded, Phil's jaw was hard and sharp.

His neck looked strong. His Adam's apple was chiseled into his skin and his collar bones were defined and strong.

Phil's chest was wide and muscular. His tummy was soft and squishy, and made a nice pillow for the little boy.

His legs were pale and covered in a thin layer of hair, unlike Dan's, whose legs were tan and nearly hairless.

Overall, Dan liked the way Phil looked, and would never do anything to change him.

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