54.) it's been a long day

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"Maybe this cage,
has been a cocoon
all allong."

-Stacie Martin


Cassia's POV

His voice sounded different from what she remembered it. It used to sound a lot lighter, happier, more weightless than the serious tone his mumbled words held now.

Cassia couldn't remember how long it had been but when he picked up the phone and he realized it was her it felt like they had never been apart. There was still this invisible bond between them, she knew she could trust him and his deep voice made her feel safe.

Deep down Hoseok was still the kid that had befriended her when no one else would, deep down they still cared a whole lot about each other. He had never stopped protecting her. She had never stopped trusting him. They had never stopped being friends.

"You need to find out where Jungkook is and you need to tell him everything I just told you. Tell him not to do anything stupid, tell him he doesn't need to worry, tell him I'll get out of here really soon" Cassia whispered.

"I want to do more than that, Cassie. Let me help get you out of there"

"You've already done so much. I don't want to put you in any more danger than I already have, I care way too much about you for you to get trapped in the middle of this. Just tell Jungkook and keep an eye out for him and yourself. That's more than enough for now, I promise you, I'll be fine"

A deep sigh.

"How are you even calling me right now?" he asked.

"Doesn't matter. Just hurry, please. I know they're gonna somehow track this call, I need you to be quick. He could come back any time and time is running out. This might be our only chance" she replied. Sooyoung was nervously fidgeting with her fingers in the background. They needed to be fast. No time for sentimental reunions.

"Got it. Promise me to be safe, Cassie" he pressed.

"I promise, Hobi. Thank you for everything, I need to go now." faster, faster.

"You'll get out of there, Cassie". A promise.

Call ended..

Cassia's fingers remained on the cellphone for a little longer, ears still ringing with Hoseok's deep voice. She had missed him. It was not the time to get nostalgic though. She now knew Jungkook and the others were here in Korea and coming up with their own plan on how to get her out of here. Most likely they were trying to come up with something right this moment.

Maybe that information should have calmed her, gotten her hopes up even. It didn't. It only made Cassia worry for them and their safety. She didn't want them to be foolish and rush into this. One mistake and they were all done for.

It was only a matter of time until her father got to know his son had returned to Korea and there was no chance he'd be fooled to believe it was to pay him a friendly visit.

Cassia handed the cellphone back to the guard she had borrowed it from. He looked at her like she was the most dangerous weapon he had ever seen, like a bomb that was about to explode and tear him into his immediate death.

GUCCI BOY//kthHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin