Chapter 43 Michael's Past

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Leslie P.O.V

A dark mist surround Leslie and she was in a dark room. There was no floor, there was no ceiling, there was only a door and her. She took a few hesitant steps forward, before pausing at the door, her outreached hand about to open it. She didn't know what was behind it, but it would be her only way out in the end, so she might as well be brave enough to begin.

Releasing a breath, she pulled the door open and looked at the bright field ahead of her. It seemed familiar, though she didn't know why. Rolling her shoulders, she stepped out into the field and let go of the door, watching it disappear into nothing as her eyes landed on a couple laying on a blanket in the middle of the flowers. 

She silently waked over to where they laid and watched, feeling somewhat awkward, but not knowing what else to do. She couldn't see their faces, so it was just an awkward situation for her as she crept closer, crouching all the way to the ground and waiting to see why she had been brought to this location. Her meditation like state was meant to show her Michael, not a young couple.

A few moments of silence passed as she waited for something to happen. Seeming to answer her thoughts, the man took the woman's hand and began to speak, but she couldn't quite hear them from where she crouched. Time seemed to tick by, before they both stood and wrapped up the blanket and they began to walk away from the field. Leslie looked around, feeling uneasy, before standing and following after them to wherever they could be headed. 

As they couple walked in front of her, she could see their intertwined hands swinging, their eyes shifting from each other to the path in front of them, before they paused and turned in my direction. I froze, wondering if they could see me, but their eyes traveled over me to another source. I slowly looked over my own shoulder to see three large wolves growling at the couple.

The man pushed, the girl behind him and bared his arms at the wolves. I looked closely at the wolves, seeing the mark of my old pack laying on the middle wolves head. Turning back to the man standing protectively in front of the woman, I peered closely at his features, walking closer to where they stood. His features weren't familiar, but neither were Michael's, so was this the enemy that marched to my home?

I wasn't able to get a closer wolf as one of the wolves jumped through me and onto the man. The mans palms raised and the wolf was blasted back. The girl screamed and I watched as she crawled back in fear, as two wolves began to circle her. The man who I assumed was Michael stood and ran to her side, using some weird energy to protect her from the wolves. It seemed that he wasn't focused on protecting himself, but rather herself. 

I backed up a bit and watched the wolf jump onto the males back, pushing him to the ground as my vision got blurry. The woman grabbed her stomach in fear and my eyes widened, the man before me wasn't Michael, it was his father! Meaning his disdain for my pack and all wolves wasn't because he was deranged, it was because he had a motive... He wanted to avenge his fathers death. 

My vision continued to blur as the other two wolves attacked the man and the man seemed to get more limp. The scene before me changed and I was in a cottage, a young boy eating some kind of slop in front of me, as a woman sweeped the dust covered floor. I could tell it was Michael, but more depressed than I'd seen him, granted I'd only seen him angry due to him hating all those of my species. 

His head was bowed and he ate silently, the woman doing the same. I didn't know if she was able to feel immense pain wolves typically did when losing a loved one, but I could tell she was still hurting and Michael was her only connection back to her time of joy. I watched the lack of interaction between the two for a moment, before standing from the table and walking to what seemed to be a tiny living room with a dusty picture frame.

I bent down and looked at the image of the woman and Michaels father, her holding her stomach like it was the happiest day of her life. If she'd only known... If they'd only known! Why had they been in that part of the woods? Why did my old pack leaders attack them? 

I shook my head as my vision began to fog once more and took one more glance at the sad people ahead of me. The location changed and I was now outside of the cottage, looking at a teenage Michael as he punched a torn up punching bag repeatedly. The woman seemed old now, quite elderly, as she opened the door to her son. 

She called to him and he turned and looked at her out of breath, rushing to her side and telling her that she shouldn't be up in her condition. Leslie frowned at them and watched Michael take her inside to the couch next to where she had seen the old picture frame. She watched him help her lay down and sit on the small table in front of her, pushing the hairs out of her face and whispering something to her before standing and going to door where she stood and shutting it.

As the door closed her destination changed once more and she was in what seemed to be another memory. Michael stood in front of two graves, tears rimming his eyes. Leslie stepped up beside him and read the scrawled names, which she assumed to be the ones of his parents. She looked to him and saw as his fists clenched before he turned and walked away from them.

The next vision came to her horror, this one of Luke's older brother who she hadn't laid eyes on in years. She watched as he and Michael fought, the anger blazing both of their eyes, before her vision blurred. She wanted to see this, but it seemed that there was something stopping her. She looked around and noticed fighting amongst a wolf and girl. The girl was strong, but not strong enough it seemed.

Just as a final blow came down the girl and Michael were gone and she was back in the dark room that she'd began in. There stood two doors in front of her now and she hesitated again, looking at Michael's familiar name and then the name of someone she didn't recognize, not knowing which one to open. 


Which door should Leslie open?

What will happen next?

OMG! The story is almost done! I think I'm going to cry!

Anyway, tell me what you all think in the comments, I can't wait to read all your thoughts. 

But don't forget to also



And Follow!

Bye Everyone! <3

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