Chapter 13 Mysterious stranger

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After going back into the house everyone was sleeping on couches and sharing rooms since the other house wasn't done. My parents were staying in a hotel nearby and my brothers stayed here.

Walking into my room Ethan's little sister was sleeping on a couch in corner and Ethan was in bed. I walked over and picked her up. Since my werewolf strength it wasn't difficult.

I placed her down next to Ethan as gently as possible then went to get Liam. When I found him he was in the kitchen getting something to drink. "You found somewhere to rest?" I asked startling him slightly.

"No I was just going to sleep in wolf form in the forest" he smiled. My memories flashed back to the forest. That boy. A shiver ran through my body and I shook it off. Liam gave me a questioning look and I shrugged.

"I have an empty couch in my room" I offered. Liam nodded taking a sip of the water he just got. "Come when you're done be quiet though Ethan and his sister are already sleeping" I added turning to exit.

"You know he isn't your mate right?" I heard Liam call quietly.

I turned and looked at him. "My mate rejected me, Ethan's my second chance mate" I uttered painfully thinking of Luke.

"He wasn't your mate either" Liam huffed.

"Then who is my mate" I sighed.

"You'll know soon your feelings for him will be greater than yours for Ethan and Luke". I blinked back at him. How did he know Luke. I didn't tell any of my new/old family about him yet.

"How do you know Luke?" I mumbled.

"Everyone in our family has a gift" he shrugged.

"OK, lets get to bed" I turned around heading up to my room. I knew Liam was following me since I could feel his presence. Quickly I climbed up the steps feeling drained from today.

Entering my room I left the door slightly ajar for Liam. I walked over to my bed laying down next to Lizzie pulling the comforter over my body. A few seconds later I heard Liam enter going over to the couch.

"Night sis" he whispered.

"Goodnight Liam" I sighed closing my eyes.


The whole night I dreamt of the guy I met in the woods. Who was he? And why did he attract me and my wolf so much? Sighing I sat up looking over at Ethan. A small feeling ignited in me but not like the feeling for the mysterious stranger.

Getting out of bed as quietly as possible I walked over to my walk in closet. Someone had stocked it with clothes for me. I looked around not finding anything I wanted to wear. Finally after searching deep into the closet I found a black pleated high-wasted mid-thigh skirt, a sleeveless cheetah top crop top, a red business jacket, and black heeled wedged boots.

 Grabbing the clothing I headed to the bathroom to get in a quick shower before I go tell everyone about school starting tomorrow. My bathroom was huge. It was gold with hints of red.

It had two sinks, a door leading to the toilet, a giant tub in the middle of the room, a couch in the corner, and a clear glass shower. The bathroom was all in all spectacular. Smiling slightly I put my clothing on the couch.

_____________After shower_______________

I let out a sigh of content getting out of the shower taking a towel from the corner. I tied it around myself and began to brush my hair. The door creaked open and I turned seeing a sleepy Ethan enter.

"Morning" I greeted and went back to doing my hair. I could feel his eyes on me as I did and sighed looking back at Ethan raising a playful eyebrow. "Yes?" I smirked over at him my eyes glistening with humor.

In a flash he was in front of me eye's dark. His lips went to mine and I gasped in shock giving him a chance to get entrance. I moaned into the kiss wrapping my arms around him.

Suddenly a picture of the mysterious stranger flashed in my mind and I felt guilty. But I didn't get it Ethan was my mate why do I feel guilty? Pulling away from Ethan I gave him a fake smiled getting my clothes.

"Later" I whispered exiting the bathroom heading over to my walk in closet. I put on the clothing then pushed my hair onto one side of my shoulder. Looking at the closet mirror I smiled at myself exiting.

Quickly after reentering my room I shoved Liam awake. He jumped startled rolling off the couch. I laughed telling him we have to wake up the others to go see mom and dad. He nodded jumping off the couch. 

We walked silently out of the room into the hall. "Can you mind link the others and I'll get Avery" I told Liam. He nodded again and I went quickly over to Avery's room. When I entered she was sleeping her head on Scotts chest.

I smiled going over shaking her slightly to wake up. She moaned in annoyance so I shook her again. She didn't move so I sighed taking a deep breath and screaming her name through mind link.

She jumped up rubbing her forehead. Slowly she looked at me and groaned "Really?". I simply shrugged laughing at her. "What do you want?" she grumbled in pain rubbing her head still.

"We have to go see mom and dad if you haven't forgotten" I chuckled. She groaned. "So you did forget?" I laughed. She threw her pillow at me getting out of bed. Scott rolled over groaning.

"Come back" he frowned not opening his eyes. Avery giggled kissing his forehead.

"I have to go, I'll be back soon" she murmured. He sighed his eyes still closed but nodded. She smiled down at him as I dragged her out of her room. "Wait I need to change" she frowned. I sighed thinking of a new outfit for her. (On the side)

"How'd you do that?" she gasped.

I shrugged going down the stairs. "Come on Av don't want to be late do you?" I called once reaching down the stairs. A few seconds later she was down and I headed for the door.

Our brothers were already there talking. "Lets take my car" I stated making there heads snap to me. They checked what Avery and I were wearing and frowned crossing their arms. Oh no there those type of brothers.

"Uh-uh, Don't even start with me... Lets go I am not changing and neither is Avery" I huffed crossing my arms at them. They sighed walking over to my car and I grinned victoriously going over to my car.


Ok it sucks most likely

I hope you guys still like it though

It went down to #588 )-:

It's ok though at least its on the list.


I will try updating 3 times today






Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rejection sucks #Wattys2015Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα