Evander closed his eyes, then began to chant in a language only known to those with magic. Lily gasped next to me, but I squeezed her hand again to keep her quiet. I knew it was shocking to learn Evander had magic, but now was not the time for Lily to go into shock.

The lights in the hallway flickered out, one by one. Evander had always had an aptitude with fire.

The guards were left in complete darkness, giving us the perfect cover. I couldn't see anything, but I trusted Caspar enough to get us to the doors.

"Here." It was the barest whisper, spoken against my ear so I wouldn't miss it.

I nodded and felt around until I found the door handles. I pulled them open the slightest bit, just enough for us to slip through into the chambers beyond. Lily went through first, then Evander, then Caspar, leaving me last.

I felt a hot breath on the back of my neck and froze, holding my own breath.

"What happened to the candles?" A guard was asking.

"Maybe a draft." Another voice said, the guard right next to me. He sounded familiar.

I felt another breath, this one on my ear, and with it, a barely audible voice saying, "Go! I'll distract the guards, you can make your escape."

I didn't argue. I slid myself through the crack, bringing the door with me. Only then did I release the breath I was holding.

"Rose, are you all right?"

I nodded, half gasping, "I'm fine, I'm fine, let's go."

Lily and Evander were already in Lilac's bedchamber. I would've felt bad for entering her private chambers, but we were in too much danger to heed privacy.

Alexia stood in the middle of the room, eyes as wide as saucers as we piled into the room. Lily rushed forward, the tattered ends of her dress dragging on the floor, and took Alexia's hands.

"Alexia, please, we need your help."

Alexia looked from her, to Evander and Caspar, then to me and back to Lily. She blinked a few moments, then her face hardened and she focused on Lily again, "What do you need?"

"Safe guidance through the servant passageways." I interjected. Time was wasting away, and every second was precious.

Alexia nodded, curls bouncing, "Of course. Follow me, Your Highnesses."

She pulled back a tapestry and revealed the doorway leading to the servant passageways. She took a torch from a scone on the wall and led the way into the passage, which was tight, dim, and dusty.

Lily and Evander were in front of me, Caspar behind me.

"Rose," he murmured in my ear, "if something happens—"

I spun around, my hand landing on his chest, "Stop." My voice quivered, "Don't say that. You're not leaving me again, not like last time." I couldn't finish.

"Rose." He spoke my name like a promise or a curse. Both.

I touched his jaw, my thumb finding his lips, and he exhaled shakily, like every touch was killing him.

"Don't." I shook my head, "just... don't."

I faced the others again, my fingers finding his, and we continued on our way through the passage.

I knew that Caspar was just being cautious, but I couldn't, couldn't, think of anything happening to him. I almost lost him once, I couldn't stand to go through it again.

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