Chapter 1

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Lance entered the bridge, to see everyone glare at him.

"Your late Lance," Shiro said.

"Sorry," Lance looked at the ground.

"We could've been attacked by the Galra in the ten minutes you were late! Try and keep up, idiot!" Keith snapped.

"Yes sir," Lance said.

Keith stopped for a second. "Whatever. Let's just get to the mission"

The mission was a amazing success! They went to an alien planet and freed them from the Galra in record time. Lance only made one mistake: Bumping into Pidge by accident. And when they got back to the castle, that's all that was talked about.

"Lance! What the heck?!" Pidge yelled.

"You could've wrecked the whole mission!" Allura said.

The team just scolded him non-stop, not bothering to remember that he also took out the Galra's main ship. Only his mistakes.

"I'm sorry," Lance said. "I'll do better next time." he exited the bridge, and went to the training room.

Little did the paladins know, but Lance had been training for weeks. He was on level 31, just one above Keith!


Two months later.....

The paladins looked over at Lance from across the table. Lance just sat there, eating his space goo quietly and emotionless.

"Guys," Shiro whispered so that Lance couldn't hear. "What have we done?"

"Something...awful," Pidge said, shaking her head.

Lance looked up at them, and they tried to act casual, failing miserably. Lance didn't seem to care, as he stood up and cleared his plate. He left without a single word.

The other paladins sighed in relief.

"Lance has been acting odd recently," Keith said.

"Recently?" Hunk said. "He's been like this for like, months!"

"He's been acting like you a ton," Pidge nodded at Keith.

Keith nodded. "Classic Lance, mocking me."

"I don't think he's mocking you," Hunk said.

Corran came in. "Holy Quiznack!" He gasped

"What is it?" Allura asked.

"I just passed by the training room, and saw Lance set the level for 34!" Corran said.

"That's a higher level than even me!" Keith stood up. "He can't handle it!"

"Oh yes he can!" Corran said. "I saw him shoot down the drones in one dobosh!"

The paladins sat there in awe. Lance had been training a lot for the last few months, but they never knew he had gotten that good!

"Come to think of it, has anyone seen Lance fi anything more than train?" Pidge asked.

Everyone shook their head.

"We've made a grave mistake," Shiro stood up. "We need to fix Lance,"

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