Discovering the Truth

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Third Person POV

A loud knock was banging on the door.

"Just a sec!"

A boy with black hair and a strand of white hair, was running down the stairs. He runs past a woman in about her 30's.

"Boboiboy! No running around the house!" The woman scolds.

Boboiboy looks at her, "Sorry Mom, there's some one on the door!"

Ignoring his mother's protests, Boboiboy continues running towards the door. Once he reaches it, he wears his orange dino cap. He holds the door knob, and opens the door. A man in a black coat was standing there, he was holding a suitcase in his right arm. The man looks at Boboiboy, he then looks inside the house. Boboiboy's mother appears holding plates.

"Who was i-" Boboiboy's mother drops the plates, she then gasps.

Boboiboy looks at her mother confusingly, then he turns back towards the man.

Boboiboy's mother walks towards the two, she places a hand on Boboiboy's shoulder. She looks at the man fearfully.

"Your taking him already?" Boboiboy's Mother asks.

The man nods, "His magic has grown too powerful, we could sense his magic even in the opposite realm."

Boboiboy's Mother nods her head in agreement, "Your going to take him?"

"Yes, we'll place a spell to hide his aura. Also we'll bring him with us, we'll train him to use his magic properly."

Boboiboy looks between the adults, confused on what their talking about. Was it a game? Nah his mother never plays games. Boboiboy curiously looks at the man's suitcase, it was glowing.

"Mom, What are you guys talking about?" Boboiboy asks disturbing their conversation.

His mother sadly smiles at him, "Boboiboy, there's something we have to talk about."

The three sat on the living room, silence consumed the area. None of them spoke a word, that was until Boboiboy spoke up.

"So what's the big deal?"

The man and Boboiboy's mother look at each other, the man nods. Boboiboy's mother turns towards him, and took a deep breath.

"Boboiboy... I don't know if you'll believe me but... you have magic."

Boboiboy waited for them to burst out laughing, and telling him that it was a prank. But nothing happened, the two adult had a serious expression. Boboiboy's eyes widen, this wasn't a sick joke.

"I-i... How?" was all Boboiboy could say.

"Your fa-"

The man cut his mother off, "You are the next heir to the throne, Your father was the king of our dimension before he died. To make sure our enemies aren't able to kill you, we hid you in this dimension. Where magic doesn't work, except yours. So basically, your the prince of a magical dimension. Which makes your magic more powerful than an average mage."

Boboiboy wasn't able to speak, he didn't know what to say. What do you expect him to react? He just learned that his whole life was a lie, he actually thought he was a normal teenager.

"Boboiboy, go to your room and pack..." His mother told him with a soothing tone.

"He won't need to, He has a castle. He won't need to pack, everything he needs is in the castle." The man said while standing up.

Boboiboy stares at the man, "I actually have to pack one thing."

Not wanting anymore words from either his mother or the man, Boboiboy went upstairs. He slams his door open and enters his room. He walks towards his desk, he opens the hidden small cabinet. There was a small box that was neatly wrapped, he slowly grabs it.

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