The glare in his mom's eyes prevented him from complaining some more.

- Good morning aunt Temari! 

                It was Yodo, she seemed ready to go out. Shinki was following behind, and Araya standing shyly next. All of them ready as well. By the bright smile on his mom's face, Shikadai understood. She probably told them to prepare. She saw his plan to escape early in the morning from miles away.

             I guess it was over now.

- Where are we going?

- To the city-center, meeting with friends.

- Are we a drag for you by any chance? asked Yodo.

- Nah.. haha... It's okay, you guys are cool. Said Shikadai.

- You're such a liar.

              She responded after a while.

- Anyway, if you don't want us to be around just say so, we can visit Konoha alone.

- You guys are awkward as hell, to be honest, but I'd rather have you tagging along with me than mom cutting my life shorter.

             Shinki had his arms crossed while walking. Araya was not participating in the conversation either. They were just looking around to see how the village looked like. From all the buildings and the people walking on the streets, they deducted that Konoha was to be a great place to live in, but Suna was still better for Shinki.

- Hey! Shikadai! Here!

             Inojin and Chocho smiled at Shikadai, but once they noticed the people who were next to him, they froze.

- What are they doing here!? Screamed Inojin.

- Stop being so loud dude. My cousins are going to spend some time in Konoha. I guess I don't have to introduce you to one another.

              Their team fought each other during the Chunin exam. Inojin was still not over the fact that the masked guy did not properly fight against him, not even in person!

- You! The masked one, we need to talk!

- Ah...I...

              Araya started to panic. He took a step back and started to hide behind Yodo.

- I... I'm sorry...ah...

- Araya!

             Shinki kept his eyes closed but called out Araya's name.

- You don't need to apologize. You won because your opponent was weak. If someone needs to apologize, it's him for wasting your time during the fight.

              Shikadai tried to calm Inojin immediately so he doesn't answer back with his sharped tongue.

- Well, for me I'm quite happy to meet all of you again! Said Chocho.

             She smiled at them.

             She seemed to look for something in her bag, she took out several potato chips from it. She went on and gave it to each one of them with a wide smile. Araya thanked her even though he was still surprised, Yodo took the potato chips and smiled back at her.

            Shinki still had his arms crossed when Chocho presented herself with the potato ships

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            Shinki still had his arms crossed when Chocho presented herself with the potato ships. He saw the girl standing right in front of him.

            Her honey eyes seemed to shine even brighter than before. She had an innocent smile that hit Shinki like an arrow targetting his heart. He didn't move a single bit, nor did he said anything. His serious face hid the fact that he was glad to see her once again. His ego also seemed to prevent him from confessing to himself that... maybe he was anticipating meeting her again.

             Chocho decided to talk to him first.

- Let's all forget about the rivalry okay? Let's be friends now that the Chunin exams are over!

- Quit joking Chubbs! This dude was so haughty!

- It's done. Stale potato chips cannot be eaten even though they may still look delicious! You need to let it go!

           Shinki stared at her. She did not change that much since last time. Still talking nonsense. But something so bright was coming from her. She truly was beautiful. He couldn't help but stare some more. 

- Are you okay Shinki? Asked Yodo.

            Being that patient was so unlike him.

            He then noticed that Chocho's presence really disturbed him. He felt somehow embarrassed by his reaction.

             He turned his back on her suddenly.

- Whatever. I don't eat those.

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Beautiful Butterfly (Boruto : Mitsuki x Chocho x Shinki)Where stories live. Discover now