“I can hear your smile when you talk and you never smile. That and the fact that you seem to have a spring in your step that is usually so formal to a point of soldiery.” He said finally turning around and giving me one of his rare smiles in return.

“Ya I did. It wasn’t what I set out to do, it sort of just happened.” I said, still with the goofy smile on my face. He nodded and Tommy being Tommy went straight to business, not asking details about my night.

“The necklace isn’t a cure. It might dampen D’s senses a little when he is around her but it won't last, it's temporary not to mention the forgotten will know. They will be drawn to her and I heard your girl hangs out at the hospital a lot. You need to get her away from there, if the forgotten finds out what she is, you can bet your balls D will soon find out too.”

“I can’t keep her away from the hospital, her mother’s in there.”

“Tough luck guy. If she hangs around the dead long enough they’re bound to find out what she is.” I nodded, thinking about all that time Vi has already spent in the hospital.

“Hey what where you doing? I thought this is a games room.” I asked easily changing the subject.

“Oh I was checking something out. There seems to be something going on… something big.” He ttrailed as he looked back towards his screen.

“Something as in?” I trailed waiting for a reply.

“I’m not sure yet, but it’s big, like apocalyptic big. I think you caused something to happen when you brought your girlfriend back from the dead.”

“What do you mean?”

“The forgotten are gathering. I have word from my contacts around the world that they're getting less, like they're migrated or just vanished, and while the rest of the world is decreasing in forgotten, our population is increasing, so it's safe to say they're gathering here.” He said absently as he stared at nothing.

“Gathering? Here? Are they after violet? The forgotten never leave their place of death” Oh shit Violet. I started pacing the room. This is my fault; they’re after her because of what I’ve turned her into.

“What am I going to do? How can I stop it? How can I keep her safe?” I asked him panic clear in my voice, but before he could answer my phone rang. It was Connor,

“We got problems.” I said without saying hello.

“I know. Are ye near a Tele?”


“Well turn it on to the news channel.” I quickly picked up the remote to the TV in the room and turned on the TV to the news channel. They showed a picture of a dark haired Spanish girl, the reporter was standing next to a payphone and looked like she was reporting from a bad neighborhood.

“The body of 20 year old Maria Rodrigues was found today. It has been reported that an anonymous female caller had found the body, claiming that she had ‘seen’ the girl in a dream, then followed her ghost or spirit to this location as well as informing the police of the suspected killer. The identity of the caller is still unknown at present and any information on her identity as well as her whereabouts will be welcomed. The unknown caller has been dubbed the ghost chaser. No doubt she’ll be a very busy girl; the police are looking to use her in a number of unsolved cases as well as-"

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