"Is that what I am to you? A trophy girlfriend?" I angrily responded. "My career is important to me and I will not be some pawn you use tomorrow to get a promotion." I added and he looked at me.

"Oh come on Iris, your job is easy you just pick out clothes and design the rest to make a collection. You basically match colors. Your job isn't like mine." Joey answered back, still not really looking at me. "I need another drink." He mumbled, rattling the ice around his empty glass before getting up to refill it.

"What do you mean my job isn't like yours?" The anger was boiling over inside me and I didn't bother to hide it anymore as I stormed over to him in the kitchen.

He calmly fixed himself another drink as he spoke, "You play dress-up, I have to compose original arguments for complex financial problems and weave through an immense amount of red tape and government legislation. The attention to detail it requires and the amount of mental work it takes is a lot more." He finished and looked at me, taking a sip of his newly made drink as he did.

"You are unbelievable, I have no idea what has gotten into you." I spat back at him and he laughed a little. "Do you have any respect for what I do?"

"Of course, babe, all I'm saying is that it's not the same as what I do." I remained silent, stewing in my rage. I could hardly look at him. "C'mon babe you and I both know my job is harder. Plus, it makes great money. You don't even have to work, you're pretty enough to just be a housewife." Joey coolly responded. He seemed almost amused by my attitude about the whole situation, as if he was watching a child throw a tantrum.

"I enjoy my job and I love the challenge it provides for me, I shouldn't have to justify the level of difficulty and skill it requires for you to take me seriously." I shouted fiercely. I wanted to hit him. "Also, what have I ever said that made you think that I want to be a housewife? How can you say these things to me after you've known me for so long?"

"Iris, babe, you need to calm down. Just skip the opening, it's not that big of a deal. I think you're just overreacting." He rolled his eyes, indicating that this conversation was now boring him. I felt red. I didn't know what to do. How could he say this? Why?

"I will not calm down!" I bellowed. "I have no idea what has gotten into you but I suggest you figure it out because I will not follow you around." I turned quickly, stomping towards our room, grabbing whatever I could find to throw in a bag.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Joey questioned, following me into the bedroom.

"I cannot be around you right now, I'm going to Lia's, don't wait up." I spat at him. I walked out of the room, shoving him out of the way on my way to the door. I quickly snatched my purse and drove off. What a dick.


Sergio's POV:

It was another week before I saw Iris again. It was another day at work for me, however, it was one of the more fun days. I had recently become a part owner of one of Madrid's hottest night clubs, Teatro Kapital. It was a wild place to be some nights, but it was fun visiting to promote the club.

It was a Friday evening and the other owners had asked if I'd be willing to show up for a few hours to endorse the club and gain more foot traffic at it on weekends. I happily obliged, but told them I would not be drinking that night. I had a match Sunday and needed to stay focused. I could, however, use a little fun and play up my reputation tonight.

To be clear, I wasn't looking to take a girl home that night, but rather to dance with a few and take one with me to the VIP. From there, I would just let what happened happen. That's kind of what I did on nights like this. People liked to see me interacting with guests. My business partners said it made the club look elite, but also accessible.

Reputation: A Sergio Ramos StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon