Lunch (Janis x Reader)

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BTW: In this you're really good at math and you use it to distract yourself from falling harder for Janis but it never works.

You sighed as you flicked your pen inbetween your fingers, waiting for the lunch bell to ring. This class was terrible, and you couldn't wait for it to be over. As the professor continued his boring lecture, you naturally tuned out, listening to the birds chirp outside and watching them fly so gracefully. You wish you could just fly out of here too.


"And that concludes are lesson today children, don't forget to collect your homework sheets at the door, I will be checking and grading them!"

You rolled your eyes as you picked up the thin pieces of paper, frustrated that he called you a child. You don't know why, but those things annoy you a lot more than they did a few years ago.

You start to drift off into your own world again, trying to remember where a certain girl was at that moment. As you strained your brain for an answer, somebody gives you a nudge from behind, knocking you over but still standing fairly still on the ground.

"Well hello little miss tantrum, what did I miss?" Janis asked humorously, putting her arm around your shoulder to steady your balance.

You instantly realise what she was doing, which makes you stiffen up and your shoulders become tense. You pray she didn't notice, which luckily, she didn't.

"I thought I'd come wait for you since Damian is still coming up with the gayest names for french, I mean, how on earth did she accept Lady Gaga?"
Janis laughed, making your cheeks tingle and your smile becoming more obvious by the second. You loved it when she was like this because it showed that she did actually have a sense of humour, whereas other people in the school clearly don't.

After Janis finished laughing, she let her arm release off your shoulder as she put them down to her sides. You instantly miss the contact between the two of you, but decided to keep that to yourself. As your mouth opened to say something to the girl, Damian came running down the hallway, sweating and panting heavily.

"Oh sweet gaga I finally found you guys! Where were you? I've been waiting in the lunch hall for like, three minutes"
Damian said in between catching breathes, obviously struggling to breathe.

"Oh I just came out of class and I saw Janis waiting for me so we started talking. I guess we lost track of the time, sorry" you say half-heartedly, not really sorry because you got to spend time with the most beautiful person in the world.

"It's ok, there should be some empty seats left that we can sit in"
Damian walked with you and Janis, clearly not in the state to run still.
Although you loved Damian, all you really wanted was to spend a bit more alone time with Janis.

As you silently thought to yourself, you aloud your body to loosen up a bit. Your eyebrows staying knitted in place and your eyes still focused on the ground, Janis quickly noticing your odd behaviour.

"Penny for your thoughts?"
Janis asked, curious as to why her friend was acting the way she was.

You quickly snapped out of your little trance, turning to Janis to answer her question.

"Oh I'm fine, just got a bit distracted is all" you laughed, hoping she couldn't detect how fake your reply was.

You quickened your pace a little bit, not necessarily leaving the others behind, but just further away from you then normal. As your foot stepped into the great lunch hall, you were instantly met with a few eyes on you. You decided to ignore them and sit down in an empty row, waiting for Janis and Damian to arrive.

As they both entered the lunch hall, they spotted you almost immediately. You giggled as Janis started running to your table shouting,
"I take dibs next to Y/N!"

You laughed as she hurried past everyone, occasionally knocking a person or two. When she finally got to your table, she burst into a fit of laughter, you laughing along with her too. She sat next to you like she said she would and the two of you watched as Damian hurried to the seats, his face red and drenched in sweat. You had to admit, you kinda felt bad. But seeing Janis in such a happy mood made your heart tingle with joy.

"So Y/N, how was class? You look bored as fuck" She said, eating her sandwich inbetween her sentences.

"It was in fact, boring as fuck. I hate everybody in that lesson"

"Awwwww was that cause I wasn't in it?"
Janis playfully teased you, your face burning with heat.

Damian saw how uncomfortable you were and decided to change the topic.
"Sooo, anybody heard about Regina lately?"

"Surprisingly not, I think she's still in hospital"

Janis looked at you speak, her eyes shining. They looked like they had little stars in them, which was one of the reasons why you fell for her so hard.
She wasn't talking, just casually listening to what you had to say, which was quite distracting cause all you wanted to do was look at her face.

"Hey Y/N? Could you help me with this question? It's for maths and I haven't learnt any of this" the girl asked, obviously knowing that you would help her.

"Oh, it's a factorial. You multiply it"
You smiled, admiring how cute she looked when she was focused on something.

"Ohhh yeah, thanks. You're so smart"
She complimented you, obviously very shy about it. She doesn't usually give out compliments to people so this was a rare occasion.

"No way did I just hear Janis Sarkisian say that I was smart"
You saw her face turn into a bright pink, the look on her face a mixture of laughter and nervousness.

You smirked as you heard her stuttering over her words, now realising what you must look like when you talk to her. You had to admit, it was kinda funny.

"Wh-whatever you know what I was trying to say. You don't have to make such a b-big deal out of it"

"Well thank you Janis, that was very kind of you. Also, you answered it wrong it's 134"

"Dammit I was so close!"

"189 isn't close Janis"

"Whatever I suck at math, how are you so good? Like did they have advanced teaching in Kenya or something?"

"No. I was home schooled by my parents"

"I know that but why do you love it so much?"

You started to sweat, your heart beating faster as you thought of ways to answer the question without outing yourself and your secret from Janis and Damian.
This was absulotely terrible.

"Uhhh, hello? Earth to Y/N?"

You jump as she nudges your shoulder, knocking you over a little as her attempt to make you focus succeeded.

"I was only joking Y/N, you need to stop overthinking about everything. Me and Damian won't judge you, we're you friends"
She laughed, hitting your arm playfully.

You laughed along with her, but you had to strain it because you were still quite anxious.

(To be continued)

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