"finally took you guys long enough" thalia said

"yeah where's the coffee?"I asked

"okay see funny story okay so we where waiting in line for like 10 minutes and when we finally got to the front they said they didn't have any Carmel left so we had to go to a different Starbucks and that one was pretty long to didn't you get my text!?" kian said Thalia grabs her phone from her back pocket and looks at it.

"ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry I forgot I put my phone on silent ahahaha okay well then what movie should we watch?" she said we all ended up deciding on ted which was a really good movie we all pitched in to see it after thalia and I offered to pay cause I usually pay for a group thing...or most of it see like thalia and I are a team since day one we both share things or split something if we wanted to we are just to nice to say no. after the movie we all went back to Thaila's house and played some games on her Xbox.

--ANDY'S P.O.V--

"NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ahahaha fuck you're not so bad carter" i said as my team lost to Tyler and Thalia we where playing c.o.d against them. Benn was on my side while Thalia and Tyler were on the other and might I say Thalia was actually really good knowing she was a girl and all I actually really like hanging out with them not cause they're rich and all and Thalia cousin's with Tyler fucking carter but like they are really cool like we would have something to do everyday weather it was go out to eat,have a party, go to the night club they own or just staying here and hanging out getting to know everyone a little more. I just feel like I've known them for a long time and I'm kinda falling for Bella she's just so nice and adorable and when she smiles it makes me smile all the time like I don't know how to explain it.

"something on your mind?" a voice said I snapped out of my thinking zone to see Thalia sitting next to me looking worried.

"no why?"

"cause your smiling like an idiot" when she said that I smiled and looked straight at Bella, she was playing Mario carts against Brandon, torey, and kian and she was in second place

"ohhhhh I see whats going on here wanna tell me or no?" Thalia said I couldn't help but smile and I told her if we could go somewhere else that's a little more private. she understood and got up.

"well Andy and I are gonna go to Starbucks and get some coffee sense some shits fucked up the last time! okay so who wants one?" pretty much everyone wanted one so we wrote them all down.

"okay fuckers we'll be back with yall coffees I'll call Bella or benn to tell you guys to come get them cause that's a lot of fucking coffee and I ain't trying to spill trying to bring them up got it?"

"yeah, yes, okay, wait why don't I come with?" Tyler said

"because I don't want you to just stay here and chill oh yeah we are going to the club later.....wait I mean you guys are going to the club later I mean if you want I can get you guys in for free and get free drinks with out an id okay lets go" Thalia all said and with that we left down the stairs and out the door.

"so which car should we drive?" Thalia asked me

"well I don't know....the Mustang"

"okay you wanna drive?"

"wait me, drive you would let me drive your mustang!?" I said in shock cause no one ever lets me drive.

"yeah wanna drive? or do you want me to?" Thalia said in the same tone I did

"well yeah I guess"

"so you don't wanna drive?"

"no I mean yeah I do I just can't believe your letting me drive this, your car wow"

find your light in a new dawn ( andy fan fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon