chapter seventeen

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"Hey benn long time no see aye so where have you been?"I ask as I walk up to my brother.

"Oh I've just been spending time with Brandon and the rest of the guys cause you and Thalia over there, (points to thalia sitting with Dave) has Andy and Dave under your control so yeah just been with the other guys lately"he said as he drank something that was in his cup.

"Oh okay" is all I say and I walk away an

"Hey Brandon" I say as i walk up to him he looked at me and smiled.

"What's you up to?"I ask he points to the person next to him that was talking and then I realize it was Hayden but this time his hair was cut.

"Ohhh I see when did he get a hair cut?" I ask

"T-the o-other d-day"he said looking at the ground I wonder what's wrong but i didn't want to ask him

"Okay well I'm gonna go okay?"I say and he just waved and smile. I walked over to Thalia and every one around her.

"Thalia I'm bored I thought this was a damn dinner I don't even know why this is a big deal" I say as I plop on the empty seat next to her.

"Its a big deal cause its you golden birthday and I know where is da food" she says and then people came out of a door carrying foods that where covered I couldn't see what they had but boy did it smell good. There ended up to be about 25-30 trays of food and then they in covered them. There was hot wings, chicken wings, mash potatoes and gravy, ham, pizza, stake and a bunch of my other favourite foods and then they brought out another few more trays carrying sweets. They even had two chocolate fountains.

"Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh mmmmyyyy gggggooooooooddddddd this is like one of my dreams to have all types of bomb ass food" Thalia says. My mom was just staring at every ones face and she was smiling. She yelled "dig in" and everybody walked over and started grabbing shit I grabbed a little bit of every thing its like I was in a food Paradise. After words we all started to dance and just having fun time until everyone left and it was time to close. We drove sack to our house and let every one crash unless they had a room or some where else to go. Andy ended up sleeping with me again but he slept with me last night so it didn't matter. I change my clothes and Andy got some shorts and a few shirts from earlier so he went to sleep it that and instantly we both fell a sleep.

----------------NEXT DAY----------------

"hey bella wake up your moms here"thalia said trying to wake me up.

"Okay" I say as I slowly get up. Andy was still sleeping next to me so I try and not wake him up. I walk to my closest and pick out an outfit. it was a black, white and gray flannel with a white under shirt, black pants and classic vans I decide to put on my glasses instead of my contacts today. I walk to my bathroom and change, I fix and style my hair, do my make up and walk out Andy still sleeping I give him a light kiss before walking out the door. I walk down the stairs and into the living room where my mom was standing watching the boys play a game.

"Hey mom so what's up?" I say as I walk over to her

"Come on I want to spend time with you while I'm in town and do you know where your brother is?" She ask me as we walk out

"no I don't he said he's been staying at a friends house lately but hold on" I say as I walk back inside

"Okay Connor when Andy wakes up tell him that I went to spend time with my mom before she leaves and tell him to text me later"I say

"Okay but can I borrow your car later I wanted to go to the beach later with a few of my friends I made that past few days"he ask me

"Wait wait wait wait wait what about Thalia!? That's your cousin and why are you in my house!? Nvm I have to go and I guess here put some gas in it or some thing wait what car?" I say as I give him a 50$ bill

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