❁ dear vik ❁

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dear vik,
we were never the best of friends
but oh did we try to be.
i'm not saying that i hated your guts
but i really did dislike them sometimes.
tobi sat and tried to be our " therapist "
but we were just such opposites.
it was kind of like putting
ketchup on ice cream.
they're good separately
but when you put them together
they taste like utter shite.
you can try and try to get it to taste good
but it never will.
that's how we were in a way.
we've had our laughs.
like those very few times when you cracked a funny joke.
but oh did we have our fights.
no one will forget
the bitter yelling match we had
right before christmas.
where even the grown men in the house
were scared for us... and themselves.
there were so many pointless bickers
that i lost count.
the phrase " opposites attract "
is complete and utter bullshit.
you don't need be
wearing matching outfits
to the grocery store
and picking out all of
your favorite cereals together
but you can't go taking two separate carts
and one person comes back with sweet
and the other with sour.
and that was kind of us.
i came with a cart full of
cupcakes and cookies
and your cart was full of
lemons and limes.
everything between us clashed
like wearing a polka dot shirt
and striped pants.
this is the only way i know
how to describe us.
by referencing pop culture i guess.
but even though we had our moments
i saw the potential you had
to be the nicest guy around.
you treated all women you loved
with respect and treated them right.
you gave any one a hand
whenever they needed it.
anyone in public
who looked even in the slightest bit struggling
you gave them all you could
to put them back on the right path.
and i admire you for that.
for your drive to help people,
your drive to hopefully put a smile
on everyone's face,
the hard work and effort
you put into everything you do.
that doesn't go unnoticed.
everyone adored you
inside and outside of the house.
i guess for us
we just had a bit of a harder time.
during the few moments
we actually got along
we had a really great time.
and while i'm writing this
we are on the road to being
on better terms with each other.
i'm sorry i have to cut that drive
a little short.
but it was a bumpy road anyway
and you're probably happy
to move on to a
smoother one without me.
i hope you enjoy life
on the newly paved roads
with one less passenger in the back seat.
keep doing what you're doing,
because not everyone is going to like everyone
and everyone just has to accept that.
this is not my farewell to anyone,
i'm just moving to a different car
and taking my own road in the sky.
vikram barn,
this is my
letter of love
to you.

- letter of love ♡ sidemen + willne -Where stories live. Discover now