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Hey my cookies I'm very sorry I haven't been posting lately but I've been busy and please don't be rude and complain about me being lazy. Oh and sorry if my writing is terrible.

Please Enjoy~

Lucy POV
It's been days since two day since the slayers have been acting stranger, they've been following us every where we go, they growl at every boy we talk to and last there really close to us.
Me, Levy and the other girls and eve have been spending time on in the library searching for reasons why they're acting strange "Hey guys I found something interesting." Says Kagura waving a book that say Slayer season.

Kagura POV
"Hey guys I found something interesting." As I wave a book in the air, As they all make a circle around me I open the book. Inside was a table of content........

Table of contents
Chapter one..........Dragon slayer
Chapter Two..........God Slayler
Chapter Three...........Heavenly Magic
Chapter Four...............Mating season
Chapter Five..................Symptoms
Chapter Six......................Behavior
Chapter Seven.................Rules
Chapter Eight..................Demon slayer

After 1 Hour of Levy reading the book
Narrator POV
Levy-"Ok to sum it all up these slayers are in mating season"
Minerva-"But isn't that for Gods, Demons and Dragons
Levy-"Yes, but in there case since they use the same type of magic as demons, Gods and Dragon to slay them that means they get the natural instinct of them. Even if it's a lacrema(Sorry if it's spelt wrong I don't English well XD)
Erza-But What about Jellal he's doesn't use any slayer magic
Levy-Well he uses Heavenly body magic which in the ancient times were used in the heavens by Gods (I just made that up XD) so therefore he's considered a God slayer. Anyways a Slayer needs to pick a mate that they feel attracted to spiritually and Sexually, now once they find there mate then there natural instincts come out and starting following there mates around to protect them. Now when they start going in heat they take you to there Den or where ever there fell safe and comfy at, they will start mating with you. But before that there powers will start to go crazy so you as the mate need to calm them and keep them under control. A way you can make lose control is by not listening to them that's one of the rules you have to follow there order that's the rule, you are not allowed to talk to the opposite gender under any cerium stances, you always have to be at there side, you need to sleep right next to them, and last don't start fights with them.
Eve-But who's, who's mate.
Mira-Well isn't it obvious,*clears throat*L..............................................................................................................................

(Well Thank you for reading I hoped you Enjoyed)
Stayed toon for more
480 Words

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