Chapter XV - Nero

Start from the beginning

I crouched to a halt behind an overgrown bush on the outskirts of the forest just beyond the field. Midnight placed Annabeth on the ground less than one hundred feet away before flying up to circle the area from above. I pushed myself further into the foliage in hopes of hiding from his line of sight. Midnight did another lap, looking rather like an oversized crow, before diving down and landing a few feet away from Annabeth.

‘Midnight,’ I breathed, ‘what are you up to?’

As if in answer to my unheard question, Midnight raised his arms like a conductor and the ground began to tremble. In the field, Annabeth’s legs gave out and she collapsed down in the grass, still wet from the morning dew.

I felt the ripple of the earth from the edge of the forest and switched from a crouch to kneeling back on my legs. I fought to stay upright against a wave of dizziness.

The ground in front of Midnight began to part, cracking the earth and creating a tunnel that lead straight down to Tartarus; straight to hell.

From across the field, Annabeth’s voice reached my ears, muted by distance, ‘What the Hades was that?’

Thunder crashed ominously in the distance.

‘That, daughter of Athena, is our way down,’ Midnight announced, his voice also quiet. ‘Now, hurry up. It’s a long way down.’

I watched as Annabeth groaned and took the hand Midnight offered. He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her waist. Annabeth fidgeted awkwardly and Midnight coughed, uncomfortable.

Once they were reasonably secure. They shared a nervous look, like they didn’t trust each other but had come to the conclusion they had no choice. Without any warning at all, Midnight catapulted up into the air and shot down the tunnel, Annabeth’s terrified shriek fading away to nothing in an instant.

The moment they disappeared, I straightened and stepped out from behind the bush, fighting off a dizzy spell. Staggering across the field, I adjusted the bag on my back and pulled on the straps nervously.

Tartarus again.

It was hell the first time, but then I had Annabeth and she didn’t hate me. Now I was on my own until I caught up with the two of them and Annabeth had no idea who I was. The monsters home court and my health was rapidly decreasing. I could only hope I stayed alive long enough to help the other two bring the cure back. It didn’t matter after that, as long as my brothers and sisters could defeat the mysterious villainess.

I reached the edge of the chasm and looked down into the black nothingness. Not exactly appealing. Taking a step back, I made sure the bag was secure before sighing heavily.

‘Please let there be water at the bottom,’ I prayed, looking up at the sky desperately.

I jumped.

Wind screamed in my ears and whipped at my cloak, tossing it around as I freefell into the shadows below. I grasped the sides of my hood self-consciously and wrapped my wings tight around my body, looking rather like an oversized crystal blue teardrop.

The atmosphere turned cold as I plunged deeper into the earth, contrary to the scalding heat that accompanied my previous fall. I attempted to unfurl my wings somewhat, but the rush of wind pushed them in closer. The softness of my feathers rubbed against my cheek as my hood slipped back slightly and I was grateful for the warmth they provided.

Reluctantly, I pushed aside the edges of my wings and glanced down into the gloom. Seemingly on cue, a unnerving growl reached my ears, coming from somewhere deep within Tartarus. I drew my wings back in and waited. Waited for the cavern to open up into hell.

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